Looking for some tips from those of you who excel academically. The question is: what do you who are successful students attribute to your success and how can I replicate it?

See below for specifics on my case should you need it:

I managed to skate by with a shitty GPA in engineering school and get myself into an engineering company. My only silver lining is that I was a decently successful student athlete in D1. I'll be getting my PE soon, after that i'd like to go back into academics to prove i can do better; thereby improving the quality of positions i can achieve during my eventual career switch.

The behavior i attribute to my poor performance in college are: partying, videogames, poor sleep schedule, skipping class, bad time management/priorities (doing the right things at the wrong times for too long), porn/jacking off, media (movies, tv shows, anime, youtube, etc), inefficient studying, lack of organization, deep lack of confidence, blue pill relationships, nonexistent understanding of power games due to highroading. It's an exhaustive list but that should cover the main parts that tripped me up.

I don't do college parties anymore obviously and rarely "drink" (occassional beer nowadays). I haven't touched videogames in at least a month and i'm never going back to that (perm deleted my dumb league account). I'm still struggling with getting to sleep but i'm consistenly up at 7 (would like to improve that). My time management is improving drastically but i could still improve, i make sure to fill out a plan for the next day on google calendar habitually. Porn/jacking off is the next vice I want to tackle but it's down to once a day. Studying efficiently and organization area areas i'm working on now but I could use some advice. The confidence issue is completely gone, suffice to say I've realized I can do far better than people told me I could. Obviously, my blue pill relationships are over with; i'm perfectly happy being alone and I've enjoyed much healthier interactions with women after studying TRP philosophy. 48 Laws of power helped with power games department.

This is a bit different than typical askTRP questions for gaming women. At least in my case, tackling this hurdle would clear of point of bitterness in me that I think will improve me as a man overall.

Thanks for reading the long post.