Been single for over a year and a half now. Discovered you lovely bastards just as I was going through my break up. Thank God.

I was saving up for a ring and thinking of proposing when we had the talk and decided to go our separate ways. I was thankful at the time because I knew I wanted to get laid; yes we had a dead bedroom and I knew it. Better yet, I knew I knew partially it was because I was needy and giving attention freely and having hidden contracts, etc.: the whole ‘Good Guy’ deal. Fucking complacency at its best.

Went through the whole anger phase when we broke up. Upset at her and the world and the reality of The Red Pill. But thank God I didn’t get married. I learned a lot about hypergamy, how women love and to read their actions not their words. Which is why I knew she had moved on and didn’t want to make up even though she said she was ‘considering’ it.

That was over a year and a half ago and I have moved on for all intents and purposes. I still have a visceral reaction to her presents so I maintain all contact at all times (the wound is still healing so I don’t touch it).

Anyways, to the question:

I have decided that I no longer want the wife part of the wife, kids and white-picket fence; instead I want abundance, multiple FWB, large bank account, the FIRE SINK life, and maybe if I can figure it out kids down the line. But every once in a while my ex pops in my mind and I feel the draw of the Blue Pill side. How do you push away that side of your self? I only mentally moved on six months ago and seriously committed myself to everything Red Pill for the past three. And yes, I know reading the sidebar and recommended literature is a must, but anything else? Is it just living The Red Pill that will over write the former Blue Pill mindset? What have you done to help you stay The Red Pill path when The Blue Pill beckons you back?