How do I find the right balance between these two? Being an introvert, acting aloof is easy and just comes natural to me. You just give zero fucks and let other people talk out their ass while you sit back and enjoy not talking. My issue is when I gotta turn up the extroversion. I am really bad at it and when I do it I just feel fake as fuck on the inside. It's probably all in my head but when I force myself to be extra outgoing and enthusiastic on a date, asking all these questions and shit, I feel like a beta who's trying too hard to impress. But the thing is, I don't wanna be too aloof and quiet either because that makes the conversations boring as fuck and usually the girl ends up losing interest. So how do I find the right balance? Any good examples from those of you guys who are naturally more charismatic on what kind of fun banter I can talk about to break the formalities and escalate?