TL:DR : Thinking and living are two very different things to women. Women feel, men know.

Rookie mistake number 1 - is to talk about Fight Club with women or people who aren't aware they're wearing blue glasses even. Anyone who's ever tried to even try to get some theoretical understanding of the truth across would instantly regret doing this. I'll say it blunt - Verbal intercourse does not work with women. When you do try to do this, hoping that it might inspire a bit of "understanding", the following will inevitably happen.

Discussions force a woman to think rather than feel. And women are far more compartmentalized.

In all women, there is a marked cognitive dissonance between her intellect and her emotion, to an incredible extent. There is nothing that comes close in men. The intellect has always been considered a sterile force in beliefs of old cultures. Just as an example, in eastern astrology, intelligence is considered to be ruled by Mercury, which is considered an "eunuch" and too strong a mercury is said to impact relationships -- the point is not astrological mumbo jumbo, it is just that intellect is an emotion killer. Not that you need to know any of this, just observe the nerd.

Sex is primarily rooted in the most primal reptilian brain - it is physical and emotional. To discuss it intellectually without the emotion is to create massive cognitive dissonance in a woman. Women cannot handle such an emotional matter impersonally. This applies also for just about any other topic where her primal brain and emotion are involved.

This cognitive dissonance is at an all time high in the modern woman, where her logical ideas of what relationships should be conflicts more than ever with her natural instincts and emotions. For all the talk that men are disconnected from their feelings, the modern woman is the epitome of cognitive dissonance. Once she starts thinking about it, BP logic takes over and suddenly your RP insights don't seem right. This is why all women say one thing and do another and give such terrible advice.

Analytical and fact based talk sterilizes women.

She starts thinking of many ideas of what you're talking about, all of which are wrong, and all of them produce mood killing emotions. The problem is thought.

Her thoughts go into overdrive. She imagines all sorts of things without the actual experience behind it, these in turn produce waves of emotions based on her BP and herd conditioning, or sometimes she totally misses the mark. She might even not like the idea of you borrowing some one else's ideas (although SHE is the herd animal) - she might feel like it's someone else she's having a relationship with - not rational, but emotions aren't ever rational. The point is, she needs it to feel natural - that is, she doesn't have to think, only let her reptilian brain feel.

I mean just imagine what would happen to your emotions if you consider a human body to be a bundle of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, blood, muscle and the stuff that's currently being processed in your intestines vs a hot sexy body. It's true, but the first frame will make people puke. Frame and interpretation is everything.

Thoughts can be woefully off the mark - they can lack the actual nuances of the experience, the actual devils in the details that make the real impact.

The impact of a wrong frame is not unlike a person suffering nervousness on a stage. Too much of the wrong thoughts and feelings kills it. In fact, just overthinking in general kills it. You cannot get into a zone in any activity if you're thinking too much. It's why even the best of us perform far better at home than on the stage.

Men don't have so much a problem because our thoughts and sex drives are very naturally aligned and they align at the very beginning of arousal - the wilder the better. But even they can suffer from too much performance anxiety (you need to forget the future to become an animal in this moment). The problem is thought.

The logical intellect is a very modern invention. It simply slices life up, instead of living, breathing and drinking it. The actual experience is far different from the idea.

In fact it really isn't more than a few thousand years old, and nerd culture is a 20th century thing. Intellect and philosophy is just a knife, it analyzes, but it does not live. Experience is where the reality is. And women are more tuned to the experience of the moment rather than thinking about it. All those medical books on human sexual arousal are drier than the Sahara desert in comparison to the mere entrance of a high SMV man.

This is why we say, "Do not talk. Do." It is far more powerful, because it's reality. Words are just a paper tiger without the reality behind them. Logic and hamstering seldom pass even simple tests of real life.

Your thinking intellectual mind is an intellectual idiot that fools you. Modern education has made many an intellectual idiot.

Because it doesn't know real life, therefore it is actually ignorant the whole time. Your body however, knows the truth and it will never lie to you.

The impact of modern education however is to breed an entire generation of intellectual sounding idiots who have no idea and no experience, who ignore the physical and emotional and the nature of life itself, in favor of the logical, only to realize the truth the hard way. We're all here from that school.

The best example of this are all the popular ideas of love and romance -- with these eyes, it's actually amusing to watch people come up with very "logical" and naively idealistic sounding ideas of how "love" should be, and the things they believe in (and the things we ourselves believed in), and even considering that "romantic" -- when the reality of our emotions and bodies and what actually works is utterly different. To put it mildly, these ideas have ruined more lives and caused more pain than we'll ever be able to estimate.

Intellectual is not necessarily intelligent - it's refined, polished stupidity when it's out of touch with reality.

Real intelligence works.

In a magic show, the whole emotional impact of the trick lies in not knowing how it is done - knowing disrupts feeling. It's the magician who ought to know how the trick is done

Watch a world class magician and see. While trying to figure out the trick is interesting to wannabe magicians, the audience is not actually supposed to know the trick, or the knowing will disrupt the feeling. They might say "How the hell did he do that?", but they're not really supposed to know - they just want to feel that jaw dropping "HOOOOOWWWW!????" Translate their words into emotion-ese -- "Stunned, shocked, thrilled, disbelief" and you'll get the real message behind the words. Always translate her words into emotion-ese.

The magician on the other hand has the rather unflattering task of practicing his tricks a million times over until he can generate the exact effect on his audience. If any single person in the audience had to actually practice a magic trick, it would go from magical to mundane in seconds.

Everyone knows it's a trick. But if the trick is brilliantly conceived and executed, who cares. It's incredible stuff! It's all in the execution and the impact.

Everyone knows talking doesn't get anything done. Experience is real.

It shows you the way and nothing more. Walking the path is where real growth and real life happens.

When you talk without the walk, she will get thoroughly confused as to whether you're for real or not. Because her biology was meant to respond to reality. When you walk the walk, you do not need to talk.

You're supposed to get out of thought and into the animal.

You must shut down rationality to go full beast mode. Of course, as men, our proactive sex drives make it very easy. Not so for women. Sex and attraction is never about cerebral "understanding" as we think that word is - it's always about the emotion. Call it the "animal zone" if you will, but that's where the energy is at its wildest and most intense.

A woman in one emotional state is vastly different from what she is in another. And women can be totally in off mode.

That's why all articles written by women need to be taken with a massive grain of salt, because what emotion she is feeling when she's writing decides what thoughts she's thinking, what beliefs she's having, what that hamster is churning on and what frame she is operating in. Mostly women on social media are totally switched off and thinking logically. There are plenty of times where a woman's sex drive isn't even on.

This is why nearly all women will read about the red pill and get creeped out and call it "sexist, misogynistic" and all that stuff, but in real life will be attracted precisely to these characteristics. Thought is not real life. Experience alone is real.

All those in the fields of attraction know the art - generate the right stimulating energy.

And people will react to it - the emotional brain knows no difference between a virtual experience and a real one. And if you do it good enough, you can better real life. Why do you think the entertainment industry even exists? One thing the best of them do successfully is to suspend all your cognizance of reality for a while and sweep you into theirs. Games are designed to be addictive - the people making them know far more about emotional dynamics and getting you high than you think.

All sex is stimulation. What energy are you generating?

So you do not talk attraction, you ARE attraction. You do not discuss dread, you DO dread.

And you do not talk about fight club. You do fight club. Talk is for a group of magicians behind the doors, never before an audience. It's for the best that women aren't allowed to read this stuff (though they will, and the cognitive dissonance is capable of causing a main event).

All the books on fight club and talk won't help you ever understand what it's like to get hit by the force of a Mohammed Ali punch. You will be knocked out, both mentally, and literally.

There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path. And that makes ALL the difference.

Now fight.