There are certain moment in a man's life that open his eyes. Certain indelible moments that stick to his brain and change or confirm his beliefs entirely.

My goal on this sub is to help men reach this point, through life changes, but, more importantly, individual steps; the journey of a thousand miles and all that.

Quick aside: I'm an asshole: It's not on purpose, I'm just pretentious, verbose, and I drink a lot. I have a staunch proclivity for pushing people away.

So while I'm not someone to emulate, the plus side is a series of eye opening moments created from my dearth of social tact. In trying to push women away I accidentally opened my eyes to something great: Convincing them I'm a high value man.

My apathy and self-loathing, personal problems that should have lowered my value as a person, convinced her I was better than she was by sheer dismissal.

As always, I like to turn my personal travesties, and shitty life into advice and ideas for you great men.

  1. Walking Away.

I can't help it, when people start discussing topics I feel no interest in or their behavior or attitudes begin to irk me, I walk away. I don't announce it. I don't say where I'm going, I just leave and go do something that makes me happy(usually drinking.)

Turns out, this is seen as quasi-social rebellion, walking away from the group to invest in your own interests. Even better is when you strike up a conversation with a woman and it stops entertaining you and you simply excuse yourself and walk away.

While not a full proof plan by any means, I've had numerous experiences where these women will find me later in the night, occasionally immediately tracking me down to ask where I'm going.

Walking away is such a strong move because it establishes that you're comfortable in your own skin and aren't reliant on others for personal happiness.

2."Then Leave"

This has actually become my go to gem, literally the foundation of my entire frame. I'm an offensive person, in such that, while not actively offensive, I often am honest in a socially irresponsible way, thus offending people.

In my more...feminine days...I would apologize when my social tact slipped, but it was so clearly disingenuous that I would look even worse. That's when I realized I didn't want to be around women who couldn't stand my banter or be so easily offended.

So, when the offense occurred, I began telling them, casually, sans anger or outburst, "Then Leave". Insinuating if you don't like what I'm saying, if it truly bothers you, then walk away like I would in this situation.

Most men are so afraid of losing women that they'd rather change how they talk, act, and behave rather than actually get what they want.

It's the ultimate win-win: Either they walk away and you get the change you crave, or she stays around and has committed entirely to your frame. She can't of back from this. There's no recovery.

3."Fuck You"

Little warning, this is not for every man. This is a line that requires a great deal of confident and, most importantly, sincerity. You have to really mean this shit and be able to back it up.

This line works on both men and women, similar results, and similar sincerity backing it. When you tell someone FUCK YOU, you have to be completely ready for the consequences and how to handle them.

With men, clearly, you need to be ready for a fight. While most men are pussies nowadays and you'll usually watch them back down, every so often you'll meet a real man and you've got to fight him.

With women there is no more powerful phrase when used correctly. It's the ultimate I'm a man, this is who I am, take it or leave it phrase. You've crossed a line and this is how we either cross back over or end it.

In both cases, it's the last straw. It's such a powerful moment because, simply put, there's no going back from it; there's no "JK"; no "I didn't mean it lol"; no backing down. It's a terrifying moment the second those words escape your lips, and in that moment you are forced to conquer your fear or suffer under the weight of it.