I think that by now we can all agree on what being "alpha" means. Strong, confident, take-charge, the James Bond type that supposedly all women go for or secretly wish they did. Dark triad traits, if you want to take it even further. I do think there's some merit to this, and there is no arguing with its success in the dating world.

But what if you aren't naturally like this? Learn to be or fake it till you make it, they say. My question is, does anyone else find it a bit, well, tiring? As a basically easygoing person, having to be the one in charge and in control all the time, making the decisions, being the leader instead of the follower, was never something I greatly enjoyed, even though I admit I had by far the most success dating when I acted like a confident jerk who doesn't give a shit.

There's a certain allure to letting someone else take the reins and enjoying the ride, as many women (and men) no doubt know. Redpillers and seduction gurus often say you should treat a woman like a teenager or like your bratty little sister, and this is the most powerful attraction builder. To be honest, sometimes I'd rather just be on equal terms or even let her take the lead once in a while. Anyone else feel the same, or am I just weird?