The Red Pill teaches us that male and female sexual strategy differ. Male sexual strategy is to have sex with as many women as possible - in effect "to spread their seed as far and wide as they can". This is because there is a low cost associated with a man having sex. Women, on the other hand, are looking to secure the genes and commitment of one very high value man. This is hypergamy. This is because there is a high cost associated with a woman having sex, so she must make sure it is with the highest quality man she believes she can get.

But this isn't happening anymore. Women are sleeping with a lot of men these days. Most women are riding the cock carousel in their teens, twenties, even their thirties and beyond. This is the complete opposite to a female's sexual strategy of securing one high value man.

Now you could lay the blame in different places:

- You could say it's men's fault. But men have always had a low cost to sex throughout human history. Men have never changed their sexual strategy. Women are the sexual selectors. This means it is logically impossible to blame men for this. Are men delaying or putting off marriage altogether due to lack of good quality women + divorce laws completely in favour of women? Possibly, although I don't know why the logical conclusion of this would be for women to sleep with more men, thus giving more men more reason not to marry.

- Perhaps it's that pesky birth control, coupled with legalised abortions. Now women have no consequences to sex. But if women have no consequences, why are they being more sexually selective than ever before? That makes no sense. If there's no consequences to sex for women anymore, we should surely be seeing more men having sex. It's actually the opposite. Incels are at their highest rate historically (30% of American men aged 18-30 haven't had sex in the last year, according to recent research). Fewer men are having sex. Yet women are sleeping around more than ever before. Which men are having all the sex?

- Maybe it's feminism. Women have been socially conditioned over the last 50-60 years to believe they must compete with men. This involves sleeping with many men. Feminism is about "equal rights" after all - that means if men can sleep with many women, women should also be allowed to sleep with many men.

It may be a mixture of all 3 of these reasons, plus other reasons. What is your take on this? Why do women sleep with so many men these days, even though it completely contradicts their sexual strategy to do so?