Now usually television shows, especially comedies are filled with Blue Pill shit but this moment in It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia really stood out to me after I took the Red Pill. Although this is a bit dramatized at points in the clip above, this is quite honestly one of the easiest ways to seduce and keep a woman craving you.

D- Demonstrate Value One of the main points TRP gets across is that everyone has sexual market value. This is demonstrated in various ways such being noticeably muscular, having a career that earns quite a lot of money, fame or just being plain attractive. Also, by acting aloof and being outcome independent when it comes to picking up women, it screams value. If you had a harem of women after you, would you really care if you were rejected by one girl?

E- Engage Physically Having the balls to engage in kino gets across to a potential hook up that you're not insecure or afraid of showing your sexuality. Ever notice how most men who get friend zoned did fuck all about showing they were sexually interested in their love interest? Women will always go for the alpha type that doesn't care about societies' expectations over the beta that can't even touch a girl he's interested in. Always kino as soon as possible, even if it's something small.

This will hopefully lead into sex that night.

N- Nurture Dependence This can be done multiple ways, do what works best for you. Lead the girl on with false hopes of a relationship, go on "dates" (just), throw over the occasional text etc.

N- Neglect Emotionally How you do this is completely up to your discretion. In the clip I posted above, they took the comedic route and faked a stalker that made the girl come after Dennis. Obviously you don't need to go that far, but I have one simple recommendation; Dread game.

If you've chosen to chase this girl as a short term plate option, she'll probably have your number. Come off as generally uninterested (if you're pursuing multiple women at once, this will come naturally), stop replying to texts for a while and you'll have the tingles taking her over.

I- Inspire Hope After a while, reply to one text and tell her (don't ask) that you two are going to see each other tonight. Go to a bar, go for a coffee, go to her place, just don't come off as too beta. Remember, she still needs to be in the mindset that she needs to work to win over this high quality man. If all goes well, you'll fuck that night.

S- Separate Entirely Pretty self explanatory, just get the fuck out of that situation. Stop taking her calls, avoid her, don't reply to her texts etc. In most cases, women will suffer from the feeling of being an Alpha Widow; a woman that can't get over a certain alpha male.