This was originally a comment over in /u/bsutansalt's thread "the sexodus - why men are giving up on women and dropping out of society" but a user recommended I give the comment its own topic and I agreed with him, so fuck it, here it is:

And we'll discover that the real victims of modern feminism are, of course, women themselves, who have been left lonelier and less satisfied than they have ever been.

I find it hilarious how much of the article basically outlines how the typical woman treats the average man like a pile of fucking shit, and then concludes that in their hostile ignorant arrogance, they end up being the real victims due to loneliness.

Men always want to go to bat for women, and that shit fucks me off. It must be genetic or some shit because I see men in TRP doing that shit too "don't be mad at tuh womenz brah, u just bitter OK? I get LOADSA PUSSY, you gotta lift and man up brah, stop being bitter brah" I get fucking tired of that retarded trite dumb testosterone monkeys spit. Fucking retards who lift a bit of metal and fuck a bit of pussy who are totally ignorant to what's going on, but think they're a boss because they can get laid and are constantly high on fucking TREN and a post workout buzz. Just because you lift and get laid, doesn't mean society isn't fucked up. Their opinions on life and women are basically some retarded flow chart:

  • Do you lift brah? (Yes/No) No? - If not go lift brah

  • Do you get laid brah? (Yes/No?) - If not go tinder brah.

Tinder not working? You need to cut brah. Already doing both? Then there's no problem, you be trippin' brah! GYM AND TINDER FO LYFE!

See these fucking idiots think being jacked and getting laid is all you need to be fulfilled in life, and that's fucking bullshit. Men outside the manosphere could collectively go lift tomorrow and it wouldn't change the legal system, it wouldn't get rid of feminism, it wouldn't fix the fucked up education system or the shit economy and it wouldn't give men game/social awareness. It wouldn't change a sweet damn thing for the overall condition of men as outlined in this fucking article.

For some reason, there are a sub-section of men who want to go to bat for women, and the more pussy your typical man gets, the more he thinks "hey you know what, women are fine, I have great times with them, you must be the problem BRAAAAHHHH ain't nothing wrong with women BRAAAAAAAH you're the problem BRAAAAAAAAAAH." They don't wanna explore really what the fuck is up. It's just the guys fault. It's close-minded bullshit. Fuck exploring shit, and god forbid blaming a woman, they are poor innocent wittle victimz and as a man, it's all your fault if she's a cunt! The old hypoagent-hyperagent bait and switch gets annoying (men take blame for everything, women get blamed for nothing.)

Look, if we're not blaming women FOR ANYTHING, and NOTHING IS THEIR FAULT even if they're HUGE CUNTS. Then we can't treat them as equals. We can't respect them. We must see them as inferior children (hence the sidebar post "she's the most responsible teenager in the house.")

If we treat them as equals with agency, then we have to hold them to account and stop fucking blaming men for women acting like cunts. You, you vest wearing juicing fuck, need to stop telling men they are fucking bitter because they have genuine rational grievances with bitches. You need to stop looking down on men who don't follow your self-prescribed juice/lift/tinder lifestyle, shut the fuck up gloating/going to bat for women and realise you're a fucking idiot so high on juice and pussy that your opinion amounts to jack fucking shit. You're a dumb bitch-enabling ape looking for his next orgasm, that's all you are. You may physically epitomise masculinity, but mentally you're as bad as the fucking mangina feminist David Futrelle

Please, pick a fucking side, because I'm tired of the bait-and-switch in play that is used whenever it is beneficial to serve the plight of women. Men taking the blame for shit outside their realm of control is, in my opinion, full warp speed male hamster.

Women always need the #1 spot in the victim Olympics don't they? And men and women collectively enable that bullshit mentality. Society needs to figure the fuck out whether it wants to treat women as agentless puppies that need to be fed and watered all chained up in their kitchens, or to treat them as fucking people with equal agency, which means stop going to fucking bat for them and validating their bullshit with "as the man, it's your fault she's a cunt, you should have used your super man powers to stop her being a cunt. You should have treated her in such an ALFALLLLLFA way that the very base of her nature changed and caused her to change into what you wanted her to be. SHE IS THE WAY YOU MAKE HER. If you were a real man, she wouldn't be a cunt." Because you know, the fact she has daddy issues and feminism taught her that anything with a dick is a symbolic incarnation of Satan is irrelevant, it's ALL YOUR FAULT if it don't work with these bitches. And so the masculinity shaming and blaming continues in it's epic as ever fashion.

LOOK: both MEN AND WOMEN are sick right now, in fact the whole damn society is. Women are too mentally violent and feral, the worst of their femininity is running amok. Men are too confused, passive and directionless. That's where TRP comes in, but men should only be taking responsibility for their own destinies, not blaming themselves for the inevitable theatrics that come as part of the package in dealing with your average day loony toon of a woman. I never subscribed to the "as a man, it's your fault she's a cunt IF she's a cunt mantra," and I never will. Some women are just fucking cunts, plain and simple, and you're an idiot if you think you can make poison drinkable, or tame the untameable serpent. It takes a whole fucking society to bring bitches in line, and society has failed all of us.

This whole, she's got no agency when she's playing her victim card, but she's as equal as you with as much agency as you when she needs representation and respect is fucking bullshit. The mixed messages are what really fucks shit up. And that shit really fucks up young men, men in general and the sheer prospect of an LTR for a man. It's such a head fuck that I understand why a lot of guys think "fuck this shit!" and look for escapes. I don't fucking blame 'em, they're doing what they perceive to be the rational thing, they just want to be happy. Most men are simple like that. They don't need all the head games and politics that comes with being in a relationship or even associating with women nowadays.

Anyway, intentionally vitriolic and provocative rant aside, I thought that was a really good piece. But women the real victims? Fucking please. 15-30 is a non-stop party for them. After that they either experience what young guys did, but the girl world equivalent, or they find a beta bucks, get dicked by one of the last remaining alphas this effeminate society has, and then fucking cheat on the beta and swindle him through divorce/child support etc. Which I'm sure some self-assured cunt on here will reply with "that's great for me BRAH, MORE PUSSY FOR ME BRAH!"

I hope I pissed a few people off who read this, you gym rat cunts know who the fuck you are. A man with the body of a demigod and the mind of a piss ant is a caricature of masculinity, you cunts make me sick. If you lift, you better fucking read too (its the mental equivalent of lifting) and cut out the chest puffing "everything is a man's fault" bullshit.

// End Rant

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