Official announcement: The mod team talked it over, and we agree. Incel posts are now banned for the duration of Purge Week, and probably eternity. Thanks to everyone for your input.

This is unofficial. I haven't discussed this with any other mods yet, but if y'all are down for this, we could make it happen.

I think everyone is tired of the constant stream of shit from incels who have decided to squat on PPD turf for Purge Week. I know I sure as fuck am. It's low-effort, not at all funny, and it's burying actual fun posts. So I'd like to propose a change for next year: How do you feel about leaving incel content banned during the next Purge?


  • Yes: 18

  • No: 2

  • Maybe: 2

P.S.: If you've ever posted in an incel subreddit, your votes don't count because fascism.