You should not be posting in RPW, but if you must, here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Posts need to be for and about women's sexual strategy. If you didn't know much about women and then read a bunch of TRP, you still don't know much about women. Don't recite a bunch of TRP principles. Those are principles regarding male sexual strategy, not female.

  • Do not complain about 'hypergamy' or use the term in reference to an RPW user. You might not know this, but hypergamy benefits quality men. The lower quality the man, the more hypergamy becomes a problem. You're going out of your way to post to a woman's sub, you could talk about anything, and the most pressing matter on your mind is women's rising standards? Not a good look. Same goes for solipsism, don't even go there. Yes, it's amusing how dudes are almost always being solipsistic when they attempt to comment on female solipsism, but it still needs to stop.

  • Do not mention how men are superior to women. ManKIND may be said to be superior to womanKIND in some ways... but you're not. If you were, you would know why it's not an observation to be casually dropped in a women's forum, and how silly you will look. Do not be critical of women at all. A man's grievance with women belongs in RPW about as much as a woman's grievance with men belongs in TRP.

  • Do not talk about your supposed standards regarding high N-count women, and don't even fucking THINK about talking about your fears that you don't measure up to her previous partners and your fear she had 'better' sex with them. For the love of God, don't do it. First of all, see rule zero. Nobody cares about your problems in a woman's sub. Second, like with hypergamy, you're broadcasting your low value if high N-count girls are your problem, and you simply look like a nutjob if you admit that not only do you imagine your girls having sex with their ex-boyfriends, but that in your imagination you are actually the lessor man. Make those kind of admissions on TRP or privately with people you trust, not a woman's sub.

  • Do not attempt to speak for high quality men, about what they think and would or wouldn't do. You are not a high quality man. One way we know this is because high quality men don't sit around talking about what high quality men do. Another way people can tell is if you identify as an RP man. High quality men don't become RP men, men with masculinity issues become RP men. A woman's sub is not the place for your theories on what life must be like as somebody else. Ironically, if there is a group of men that relationship-minded RP women are almost certainly NOT interested in, it's RP men. If you forget this you'll just embarrass yourself.

That covers the most common mistakes. Just keep it fresh in your mind that RPW is for discussions of womans sexual strategy. It's not about you, and if your post is about you then you're doing it wrong. Flip it around. Would it be appropriate if a women posted analogously in TRP? If not, then just don't post.