Here's an article which apparently has caused some gnashing of teeth and clutching of pearls: Men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos

From here its hard to see where the controversy is from.

1) "Men prefer women that are debt-free." Is like doh. Who in their right mind would prefer a woman swimming in debt. Her debt is going to be yours debt.

2) "Men prefer virgins." Yeah, again doh. This can be a strong or a weak preference, but all else being the same the vast majority of men will opt for the virgin (or low-count) girl. There's just no up-side to your wife having being banged by a truckload of guys before you - and a legion of potential downsides. Besides sluts are nasty for wife-material.

3) "Men prefer women without tattoos." Personally I think they look bad. Like a big blotch on the skin. And they age horrible (and marriage is afterall for the stretch). Others think they're a sign of deeper mental or behavioural issues. So again, an understandable preference.

The same advice should really be given to women: to prefer (for marriage) men that are debt-free virgins without tattoos. Certainly debt-free.