
This thread discusses the things women say to deceive and manipulate nice guys, who are usually in the friend zone.


So looking back at my nice guy days, I recall some things women have told me that in retrospect were attempts to project an innocent/prudish persona while keeping things at the "friendship" level.

I also realize these statements are somewhat different from shit tests in that she uses shit tests to determine alpha or beta status, whereas here she already assumed I was beta through my behavior (likely from failing earlier shit tests). So I think women say different things to a man depending on whether he's alpha or beta.

To my bias, the core message women tell nice guys is: "I'm desirable, I'm getting the sex I want. I just need you to provide the attention and favors that my sex partners won't. Besides, I'm not attracted to niceness." And the foundation for her perpetual manipulation lies in the nice guy not being upfront with her about wanting to date her, and his lack of willingness to move on when she doesn't commit. I figure these statements should be brought to the light for blue pill men seeking answers.

So I'm going to list all the things I've heard and the translation to the best of my ability. Feel free to chime in with your own interpretation or other lies you've heard. I will update the OP as new information comes in, so consider this a community project of sorts.


Her: "You're such a nice guy. Let's just be friends."

Translation: "I've already assumed you're a beta who I can use for attention and favors. I'm also not attracted to you and don't want anything beyond 'friendship'."

Her: "I really value our 'friendship'." or "Your 'friendship' means so much to me."

Translation: "I define our 'friendship' as you doing everything for me, and me doing very little for you. So I basically use you for attention and favors without having to reciprocate in kind (at least not in the way you would like). I'm also framing the nature of our relationship so you don't attempt to escalate it into something more."

Her: "I love the way you treat me. I love the things you do for me. I love the person you are."

Translation: "I strategically use the words 'love' and 'you' in the same sentence so you will erroneously assume that 'I love you'. That way you'll stay around longer as my servant in the false hope that I come around to loving you romantically someday."

Her: "That guy is such a jerk. I hate him."

Translation: "I'm secretly attracted to that guy, and likely having sex with him, but I want you to think I'm only interested in nice guys like you by pretending to hate jerks like him. That way you'll stay around longer as my servant."

Her: "Why can't I find a nice guy like you?" or "Why can't all men be more like you?"

Translation: "Why can't I find a nice guy like you that I am attracted to?" or "The guy I met only a few hours ago pumped and dumped me, and I wish I could find a man as hot as him but attentive like you." or "I'm pretending to flatter you with false hopes of something beyond friendship so you'll stay around longer and do my bidding."

Her: "You and I as a couple? I don't know. I value our 'friendship'. Let's take things slow. Let's not rush anything. Maybe someday."

Translation: "I'm not attracted to you in that way, but I don't want to lose the attention and favors you're giving me, so I'm pretending to be interested in something more while continuing to use you." or "I'll make you my plan B after I've fucked half the town and jumped off the carousel at 29. Do you like sloppy seconds?" (Beware if she wants to "reconnect" with you years after the "friendship" has ended).

Her: "You're such a good friend. You're like a brother to me. We have something beautiful here, and I don't want to ruin things between us."

Translation: "I know you're attracted to me, but I'm not attracted to you, and I want to keep you at the friendship/servant level by preventing you from escalating it into something more."

Her: "My last boyfriend abused me (or I was sexually assaulted in my past), so I'm cautious about getting intimate with men."

Translation: "I wasn't really abused, I'm just not attracted to you and I'm preventing you from escalating the friendship and triggering 'old wounds'. Hopefully you'll stay and help me 'heal' while I take advantage of you in the process. By the way, did you notice I have a Tinder account and go to the club every weekend?" (Watch her actions, not her words).

Her: "You wouldn't want a girl like me. I wouldn't be good for you."

Translation: "You're not attractive to me, but I'm wording it in a way that disqualifies me and makes you feel special." or "I've been manipulating you for attention and favors for quite some time. If you realized this you'd be pissed." or "You're relationship-oriented and clingy. And I'm more promiscuous and want no-strings attached sex that I'm already getting elsewhere. Hopefully you'll stay and 'fix me' while I take advantage of you in the process." (Here she is being truthful about you not wanting a girl like her, but she doesn't want to lose your attention and favors).

Her: "Just be yourself and you'll meet the right girl someday."

Translation: "I'm not interested in you romantically and I hope you don't meet the right girl soon, because I want to continue using you for attention and favors. Stay just as you are: wrapped around my finger."

Her: "I'm not a slut."

Translation: "I'm a slut, just when you're not around."

Her: "You're only pretending to be nice just to get into my pants."

Translation: "I'm shaming you for using our 'friendship' to get sex, to hide the fact that I'm using our 'friendship' to get attention and favors from you. I'm also preventing you from escalating the friendship by shaming you for wanting only sex from me. Go back to being my servant."

Her: "Being nice to me doesn't make you entitled to my body." or "Women are not vending machines that you put kindness coins into until sex falls out."

Translation: "I want you to think I'm a prudish good girl who's highly selective of only the most refined gentlemen, when in reality I'm only interested in getting pumped by jocks who I've only known for a few hours. I'm also shaming you for using our 'friendship' to get sex, to hide the fact that I'm using our 'friendship' to get attention and favors from you." or "I know you're jealous that I'm dating jerks instead of nice guys like you, but I'm not attracted to niceness."

(Women don't usually say the previous two examples to nice guys, but to other people to criticize nice guys while playing the victim. She knows he operates through acts of kindness to others, so she twists it to make him appear as deceptive and manipulative as she is. She's essentially telling others, "He's pretending to be nice to get sex from me but I'm not a slut," while conveniently withholding the fact that she's promiscuous and manipulating him.)

Her (when you request a favor): "I can't." or "Ugh. Okay, I guess."

Translation: "This is not how it's supposed to work. You're supposed to be doing what I want, not the other way around." (She has an attitude anytime you ask for a favor.)

Her: "Don't date that girl. She's not good enough for you. She's a slut. You can do so much better than her."

Translation: "That girl who's giving you the sex and affection that I refuse is taking away my attention and favors. I'm pretending to look out for your best interests as a 'friend' when I'm really only concerned about mine." (She's essentially cock-blocking other girls from taking her servant away from her).

Her: "Why are you avoiding me? Why don't we talk like we used to? I thought you were my friend."

Translation: "I'm sure the lack of sex and affection from me is taking its toll on you, but you're slacking in your obligation to give me attention and favors, and I'm shaming you for it."

Her: "Nice guys don't finish last. My boyfriend/husband is a nice guy!"

Translation: "I'm post-wall and Chad no longer wants me, so I've settled for a nice guy who I would have otherwise friendzoned."