Define interesting however you like, interesting to you is what matters.

Do you want or value a woman being interesting?

How often do you find an interesting and physically attractive woman?

How often do you find an interesting woman that's not physically attractive?

How often do you find an interesting woman that's incredibly physically attractive?

Why do you think it is this way?

Are some cities or countries or social circles better or worse than others for finding interesting women?

I'd say 10% of women are actually interesting and among them not even half are physically attractive.

Women on average do what they need to to draw attention. The more beautiful a girl is, the less she needed to use her words and mind to draw attention, the less reason and incentive she has to develop parts of her that would make her interesting.

The common link between the most interesting women I've ever known is that they read a lot as a child, and grew up in a way that's different than most.