A genie appears and offers to make the man of your desire appear with undying love for you. However, the genie cannot create a perfect man and you must pick two of three attributes that will be instilled in the man, Smart, Handsome, or Capable.

The man comes with developed social skills and he 'gets women', knows how to treat you right.

Smart guarantees the man has an IQ in the top 2% of humanity. Few are his intellectual equal, he understands all the physics that make your eyes glaze over, but he can talk to you about anything.

Handsome guarantees the man is 6'2", with near perfect symmetry, your ideal muscular development, and perfect hair. You can stare at him for days and his eyes alone make you swoon.

Capable guarantees the man knows how to use tools and build or fix anything within reason with his hands, he's a handyman, mechanic, and has functional technology knowledge. Need anything fixed or made and he'll be delighted to get a chance to use his muscles.

What two do you pick? Why those two over the third?

Is there another attribute you'd prefer over the mentioned three?

How difficult is it to find a guy with those two attributes in your society?

Edit: Follow up question, Can a guy who is Smart and Capable be considered Chadly?