Hey! I am 22 years old and in a long-term relationship for almost four years right now. I have only slept with one girl besides my girlfriend and this was a one night stand. I don’t want to sound like I am arrogant or something like that but I am going to give you my authentic perspective so that you can put yourself into my position. I am pretty good-looking, confident, successful and have a lot of friends. A lot of hot and beautiful girls are interested in me and some have already given me pretty clear signals that they would like to sleep with me.

But where is the problem now, you might be asking. The problem is that I am in a very happy relationship and cannot capitalize on these opportunities. I have an intense fear of missing out and wasting my youth. I feel like I will regret it if I don’t make all these experiences. Especially because I have so many opportunities, these feelings get quite strong.

I don’t want to self-sabotage my relationship or break up just because of that. It feels stupid to me, since we are both happy, the sex is awesome and she is a high quality girl. Also I would never cheat on anyone, no matter what. So I feel like I am in a dilemma. I can either miss out on all these opportunities with other girls that are interested in me or I can quit an awesome relationship. I don’t know which one I would regret more.

As I said I am 22 years old. I wouldn’t mind being in an LTR until 24 or 25, but at the latest when I am 25, I would like to go and experiment around. I know that I am not really asking for anything specific here and thus it might be hard to give an answer, but do you guys have any advice? What would you do in my situation and why?

I am happy about every answer! :)