I've seen this type of diagram a lot. Especially on the bodybuilding forums. To me, it's bullshit. You shouldn't kill yourself if you're under 6 foot, and you aren't a "manlet" unless you fall below average height, if that.

I know I just did a post like this but this shit needs to stop. This is not progressive. This is not reality. And these types of messages are KILLING young men who believe it.

Something needs to change. Maybe feminism should take a look at the unrealistic body standards for men.

You realize that all of the sexiest men alive dudes have all been tall white guys, with the exception of tom cruise and Denzel Washington. No kevin harts, no peter dinklages, no Seth rogens, no Aziz ansaris, none of that. Why are all the sexiest men alive cover dudes all buff, tall white guys?

Pssssszh. Feminists don't want to have that discussion. It only matters when it pertains to them. Oh, body acceptance you say? Oh, we should find any shumer sexy? Why? Her personality? Personality doesn't equal sexy. Why can't we show some love for the really short sexy guys? Why not sexy indian guys? Why not chubby guys? It is fair right?

So. This is why I am TRP. This is why I know feminism is wrong. This is why I can't take the blue pill seriously. This is what is wrong with our society.

For a women to be attractive, all she has to do is have a healthy body. If that! You realize there's loads of different types of women guys like? There is targeted porn for guys who like chubby girls, really tall girls, really short girls, etc.

But the standard for men is this: Be tall. Have a six pack, have a muscular build. Have good facial features. Have money. Have status.

You realize how HARD it is to even be lucky enough to be really tall? That alone will do most men in because of the messages men get about height mattering. Not to mention getting really buff takes years of hard work and sweat and determination in the gym.

Sorry feminists, check mate. You still want the tall buff white guys. But you want us to be attracted to ugly women. Well...why can't you be attracted to ugly men? What are you doing to change the standards put onto men? Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. Peoples magazine still makes millions and you're eating it all up.