From what I can gather, when a woman is mistreated by a male partner (cheating, abuse, general bad behavior) TRP says she's at fault for choosing the guy who's hot and mean, instead of ugly and nice (creating this idea that most hot guys are jerks and most unattractive guys are nice.) However, if a man gets mistreated by his female partner, TRP does fault him, but only for trusting her too much, not putting her in her place, or letting himself go. The concept of "Well, he put looks before personality so it's his own fault he ended up with a bitch" (the male equivalent of what it said about women) doesn't seem to come into play.

If the ugly guys are de facto much nicer than hot guys, then wouldn't ugly girls be much nicer than hot girls? (Especially given that TRP believes hot women live in a state of permanent privilege where they never have to learn right from wrong- by that logic, they'd be MUCH meaner than the unattractive girls.) And wouldn't it make sense then, by this logic, to fault men who marry or date attractive women and then get cheated on or dumped, because "they could have just been deeper and dated a chubby girl who'd be nice to them"?

FWIW my personal opinion is that there isn't a strict correlation between looks/niceness, plenty of guys/girls who claim to be nice aren't, plenty of cheaters aren't good-looking (see: Maury) I also believe many people marry someone thinking they are nice/a good person, but they later turn out not to be. People generally don't advertise themselves as selfish cheaters. BUT THAT'S JMO