I responded to these questions over in /r/asktrp and thought the feedback I gave warranted the attention of the wider sub. The questions were asked by a gentleman who appears to be falling in love with a plate who isn't LTR-worthy. Despite the massive faux-pas/RP tenet violated there (and be sure to go give him shit for it on his AskTRP thread - it's in my comment history) I think the principles herein are extremely useful to and important for men to bear in mind when interacting with women. Particularly women who are important to them, eg: significant others, daughters, female family members etc. Obviously women you don't give a shit about you ignore. You don't have to feed into their rabid need for attention/validation/acknowledgement. This is for the women you do give a shit about, to some degree or another.

Do women ever deserve to know if we have reasonable emotional misgivings about their behavior?

No it's just male weakness to them. They will ignore it if they're not very invested or feed you some blue pill bullshit if they are heavily invested. There's no point in ever telling a woman your problems. Communication with women ends with boundaries, expectations and logistics. Your feelings should never come into the equation. Women don't care about your feelings, only how your feelings will affect their ability to rely on you. Sinking ships get abandoned. Solution: Exercise healthy detachment, work through your feelings with good male friends. If you don't have any, use /r/asktrp until you get some.

I get that there should be boundaries in place, but keeping them in check by constantly giving them tingles seems like a better way than direct approach to problems. Is this right?

Correct. Although now and again voicing expectations is necessary. If you don't, they will employ plausible deniability "oh what, little old me had no idea!" and you don't need that bullshit. IMO, mix and match. You will get a feel for when ramming her up against a wall, lifting up her skirt and fucking her is a good idea and likewise when talking in a firm voice and walking out the door if she doesn't adhere to what you're saying is necessary. Always walk out the door/abandon/dread - speak with actions. Don't waste time having pointless arguments with women. Soft-nexting (temporary abandonment) works wonders - arguing the hamster achieves nothing - it is inane and nihilistic, don't fall into this trap like so many men do. Your instinct is to try and logic her into conformity, but women are immune to logic. You must use Machiavellian strategies instead. Get her hamster to work for you and she will reconsider her attitude towards you due to how she feels. This is the only way to reach the outcome you desire/condition behaviour. Logic is futile. Don't bother. Save it for men.

Caveat: It's good to have logic so you can back up your point. In relationships an insecure woman is right in questioning the legitimacy of a claim you make - trust should not be blind (lest it be abused) and they need reassurement. Effectively she wants to see if you are being fair/righteous in your actions and that you are not abusing your power in the relationship. However if she is trying to throw you into a qualification loop "yeah, but how is that fair?" - "OK, I get that, but I think it's wrong so tell me how..." - "Yes I know what you're saying but I disagree - you should bla bla bla because bla bla bla so don't bla bla bla" - then you just get the fuck out. Get the fuck out - don't take the bait. She is doing that thing where she wears a veneer of reason, where she SOUNDS LOGICAL but the extent of her argument and her mental stubbornness is anything BUT logical.

Sometimes people use concern/rational appearances as a way to engage your logic when they are not worthy of being treated with logic because they are operating from a place of emotion. People use "rationalism" as a guise to fuck with you. You can only make rational arguments to a person who is not overwhelmed by emotion and who is interested in hearing a sound, balanced or thought-out opinion. This is not as common as perhaps one would think. This likewise goes for men who look to discredit you out of emotion, too. Be aware of it. Only ever justify your position a maximum of once, "for the sake of the record" - do not be backed into a corner to continually justify yourself. The more you justify, the less powerful you seem. You get thrown in a "logic/justification loop" and effectively they try to hold you hostage there and beat you over the head with your own words "but you said X, now you're doing Y!!!"

Shameless plug, check out my blog: http://illimitablemen.com/