This is one of the top RP posts of all time.

It basically says that women are callous harpies who are incapable of empathising with men.

Lately we seem to have received a new influx of newbies who think that clicking "subscribe" to this subreddit is all that's required to "take the red pill", and more arrogantly, that their beta outbursts from that point onwards constitute red pill behaviour. This post aims to address one particular irritation I have with these people and red pill confusion - their feelings

More and more I see the nonsense peddled that to "front up", "grow some balls", and "tell a woman frankly how you feel" is red pill behaviour. Worse, that it's some kind of success story for an obvious beta orbiter to come here, read a few headlines, and then profess their feelings to their disinterested target and awkwardly break free from their orbit by stamping their feet and whining that "they just can't do it anymore" (waa waa waa). It isn't, and the quite frankly ridiculous upvoting of the positive comments to such behaviour is a worrying development for the signal to noise ratio of this subreddit.

When it comes to feelings start by remembering this - woman discuss their feelings (mostly for the same reasons that they do anything else, for validation and attention), men simply act on them.

There is no reason, at all, ever, to discuss your feelings with a woman. Firstly it's a waste of your time because they don't care (they get no validation or attention from it after all), and secondly it does irreparable harm to your frame and SMV, and is a sure fire way to render any vagina as dry as the sahara in minutes.

Why? Because women don't care about how YOU feel, they only care about how YOU make THEM feel. They care about the tingles you give them when you maintain your alpha frame and the SMV you have in public, they care about the protection they feel when they are out in public with you, they care about the direction and purpose you bring to the relationship and in turn their lives, they care about the financial security and social status you bring, they care about the orgasm you give them when you let your testosterone take over and give them the rough fucking they so desperately crave.

Women are programmed to be nurturing towards their young, not their men. Men are there to provide and protect while they raise their young, and if they have to be nurturing towards you too that means you're a poor protector and provider.

Displaying any trait that reflects poorly on your ability to be a strong protector and provider is infuriating to a woman, because nothing annoys a woman more than accidentally fucking a beta.

For their men they are simply interested in what you can provide, and what they have to do for you to keep providing it.

Do yourself a favour gentlemen, keep your feelings to yourself.

Other top posts along the same theme are:

  • Side bar 'Women in Love' series

  • Women do not giver a shit about your problems

  • Women do not give a shit about your interests

-Keep your feelings to yourself, and especially away from women

-She doesn't love you, she loves her attraction to you [...] women have no loyalty beyond their own narcissism

-Why women like unemotional men (a grain of truth?)

-Women don't care about anything other than the attention of other women

-She is not your shoulder to cry on

-You are disposable. The world does not care about you;. (gilded-presented inaccurate facts)

-You ever notice how there is no fat acceptance or short acceptance movement, it's because women and society do not care about you (I mean, some validity, but that's an extreme statement)

-Treating yourself like a human (women hamster that exes who be any more than be her Alpha doormat were abusers)

I lean quite red, but I need to keep tabs on how much I swallow a day for the sake of my wellbeing. So, women don't want to fuck men with feelings, they want to mother them. But, this article goes on to say, there is absolutely NO reason to share yourself with ANY WOMAN whatsoever in any capacity.

Guys, if you truly believe that women are biologically destined to regard men as nothing but walking ATMs and tingle machines, why would you ever bother to associate with them outside of sex? How could an MRP man ever bring himself to get married?

I really don't understand. If women are plain dangerous and good for nothing but sex, why not MGTOW?

Are female therapists a bad call too? Female doctors? Female anyone in a position where you're dependent on them?

Disclaimer: [I may have failed the litmus test RPS lol] (

[RPS has been trolling you from day 1 to keep SJWs out.] (