A variant on 'charge of generalisation' or 'graceless generalisation of gender.'

Edit: Have since expanded thead to include a preliminary list, to which the above is an addition. To my surprise, a large number of BPers (not flat out misandrists or Tumblrinas either) on this sub are guilty of the following tactics and logical fallacies.

-TRP sidebar: 'Feminist shaming tactics'. Entire list. In particular


Shaming tactics

a) Charge of superficiality: Hot girl goggles

b).Charge of generalisation (see also; confirmation bias/sample bias)

c) Charge of mental or emotional instability (I get this all the time)

d) Charge of Sour Grapes (over and over)

e) Charge of Unattractiveness (yet again over and over) and some Charge of With-held Affection

f) (mainly from.white knights/male BPers and some PPW/RPWs) Charge of.Invirility/Charge of Defeatism

These are all examples of Kafka Trapping, i.e. presumption of guilt before standing trial; guilty until proven innocent (not like other RPers) or pledging guilt and swearing fealty to the BP banner.

Logical fallacies+other


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies-> These 2 lists are too ling to analysr at length un this thread and I nominate them to the PPF sidebar for reference.

-Straw man

-No True Scotsman (see also 'straw feminist')

-Tu quoque fallacy/Men Do It Too

-Circular reasoning

-Ad. hominem

-Fallacy fallacy (see u/wuboo's response to me below)

-Personal incredulity (see most reactions to incel stories like that of Carkudo; Nice Guy shaming as 'just wants to get in her pants'). Cf. Burden of proof

-Shit test neutralising; Flipping the script (this is what occurs when we see threads moving to 'continue this thread' status. Ironically IllimitableMan suggests it!)

-Russell's Teapot to shift burden of proof to RP: 'You can't prove I'm wrong, ergo I'm right' (again "continue thread')

-Appeal to popularity (TRP is small and dislikef in mainstream=it is probably wrong)

-Appeal to emotion (typically ad. hom. attack or crocodile tears)

-related to above, fallacy of relative privation, which takes the colloquial form here of "Ye sure men have problems, but women have it worse"

-Composition/division (admittefly both sides guilty; I considered a thread re: fallacied made by RP atba later date)

-Anecdotal (both sides, but BP seems to be more hostile to RP not presenting objective sources than vice versa)

-Texas Sharpshooter (both sides; e.g. "If you are constantly getting rejected, there'd s probably something wrong with you"

-Golden mean

-Conjunction fallacy (build a better beta, anger phase tone policing etc.)

-Syllogistic fallacy


I am.adding an observed debate tactic to this as described below.

When men have a specific fault, we can say 'men are X'E.g. 'Men have an entitlement complex to.women's affections'

Conversely when women have a specific.fault, the safe response to not destroy the female hypo agency to patriarchy narrative is, "that's not a gender specific fault. Some men arr X too. Some people are X, period." Example: "Women are shallow"; "No, PEOPLE.are shallow. SOME people." "Women are picky." "No, EVERYONE is picky."

This implicitly partially blames men (and patriarchy) for the flaw, or rather alleviates some of the shame associated with the flaw from women. Enough so that another appeal to victimhood can be spun. E.g. "Yes-some women are shallow. Shallowness is not gender specific. But men haven't been objectified for their bodies for centuries."

The same mitigating offence does not exist for.men, in fact they.are charged with the additional offence of (White Cis) Male Privilege,which is an aggravating factor which in feminism's eyes justifies their persecution and shame, even if said trait is recognised as universal and not gender specific.

Seen BP do this a lot, and it's all over Quora too.