A benefit of structured gender roles is that everyone has a defined purpose and affiliated identity. Men know how to be good men, and women know how to be good women. Each person understands what they can offer the other sex, and they know what the other sex can offer them. Expectations are fixed in this preordained exchange of male and female value, so everyone is relatively content with the outcome.

When gender roles are removed, expectations suddenly become ambiguous. Everyone gains some freedom of choice, but they also lose the singularity and stability of a predefined path. There is new uncertainty surrounding any expectations of the opposite sex.

Women stand to benefit more from this dissolution of gender roles than men, at least in wealthy societies. A supportive role does not offer it's recipient much opportunity for self actualization. A housewife perhaps more consistently satisfies the lower rungs of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, but it falls behind at the peak. With the abolition of gender roles, women gain more access to men's power, status, and resources, but men do not gain much in return. The idea of subsidizing their loss of value with an obsolete female role is understandably unappealing to them. Meanwhile, feminists continue to force an outcome in hopes that the conditions will reach a critical mass. They hope that without sustained enforcement of gender roles, entropy will take over and roles will be distributed equally across the sexes. However, neither men nor women seem eager to head in that direction. The preferred equilibrium situation seems to be gendered specialization, not homogeneity. This could be from biology or a social artifact. We can only guess. Regardless, men and women are still looking for their identity, and a niche value associated with their sex.

As women become more self-sufficient, men find themselves competing in for their relative worth. They no longer have a monopoly on providership, a previously consistent source of value for them. With the loss of this value to women, men find that women have no desire to associate with them anymore. The men that didn't have much to offer to begin with are hit especially hard. The affection of women disappears along with their need for resources, leaving men feeling used. Men, seeing themselves as disposable, envy the seemingly inherent value of women.

TRP and the manosphere arise as a result, because men need to replace their loss of value with something else. After being tossed aside when women no longer needed their material support, men want something more fundamental. They want to be valued for who they are. They imagine the best way to be loved is the way women are loved, for their inherent sexuality. To men this seems more real, more impervious to any change in conditions of the sexual marketplace. This is a way they can get women to love them in a way that's similar to the way they love women.

As an added benefit, creating value from pure sex appeal instills in men a sense of power and even retribution. Since women previously withheld their affection, men could now withhold their commitment in return. Everything is on their terms now. Plus, men simply like sex. It is an optimal, psychologically satisfying solution for men.

Once this decision is made, it is reinforced to the nth degree. Any previous alternatives are completely extinguished from their mind, because the temptation to fall back into them is too great. Anything else would give women back the power, and return men to a position with nothing to exchange. Not only are men advised to spin plates and never get married, but they are also told that women are incapable of loving or caring about men. They cannot empathize with men and will drop them the second a bigger and better man comes along. This solidifies any motivation in their minds and reduces all alternatives to one. The old dream from their beta days is necessarily snuffed out of existence, or else it would catch on again like a wildfire.

However, talking to the men would give one the impression that this isn't what they really want. They say, "You think we like being like this? You think the pill isn't hard to swallow? I really just want a nice girl to settle down with, but that's impossible in the current market". TRP has removed any hope men had for their original dream. It doesn't give men what they want, it just convinces them that what they want is impossible and then offers a consolation prize.

I don't think that what men want is impossible, because I know that women do actually love men. We do care about men. We can empathize with their problems and we want men to be happy. This is as much as a part of AWALT as occasionally being a piece of shit.

I don't have a way to fix the original problem, but I know that men's dream of having a woman that loves them is not impossible. Men are not so one-dimensional that they only have value in terms of resources or sex. There is more potential there. And also women have more potential than being hypergamous bitches. We have the ability to give men the love, compassion, and acceptance. There is a better solution out there than what TRP has to offer. There is a way to get men what they really want.