I am just now starting to analyze my predicament and my deeply embedded thoughts. Reprogramming is proving to be very challenging and unnatural. Some of my previously held beliefs (women on pedestals, utmost respect, politeness and care for all women) seem to be very hard wired in my brain.

Assuming an average 25 years old male embarking on the red pill journey, he has to overcome:

Blue Social Circle: Most male friends are beta blue pillers (yeah you can dump all your friends, but that is not a real sustainable solution as it seems to be better to have lesser friends than no friends. Making new friends as you age is increasingly hard. Trying to convert friends to TRP seems ill advised as from personal experience, it takes a very traumatic experience/realization to seek it out and embrace it)

Past formative years - parents, schooling (0-18 you are forcefully indoctrinated into a very blue pill state of mind by your parents, who are either divorced; raised by a single mom, or having a beta father. School as we all know, is becoming increasingly boy hostile)

Decades of living in a feminine centered matrix. The forces of habit cannot be underestimated.

Decades of watching bluepill media (tv shows, movies).

So after so many years in such a critical period in your youth, how long do you think it takes to start becoming red? Even after embracing the line of thought here we are still operating with plenty of challenges stacked against us living in the matrix, surrounded by damaging media and blue pill social circles.

I guess the underlying fear for this post, is that most of us are fundamentally and deeply blue pill, through decades of indoctrination and education in our formative years. I think that most of the externals (make more money, dress better, improve your physique) can be taken care of much more easily than a deep and meaningful internal change (not putting pussy on pedestals, being confidant and cocky, having an abundance mentality, being dominant and assertive, not taking shit from women).

I really hope that I am wrong, and that a few years of focused work can bring me where I want to be. I would appreciate hearing some stories of personal internal transformation and also the approximate timeline where you began to feel change. I understand that each person has his own journey to take, and you can't put a time number on such an ongoing personal change, but still, after how long you felt more "red" than "blue"?