This is for the newbies in the group. Welcome!

So many guys when they are first starting to learn about Redpill Sexual Strategy get hung up on the mechanics of approaching and opening and try to come up with really clever openers when really what approaching is all about is having a strong frame. It's all about attitude and how you present yourself both verbally and physically. The real issue is not what you say, but how you say it, and then hold frame afterwords when she reacts and tries to gain control over you.

So there's a thread right now on Ask Reddit on "How to ruin a date with just 5 words."

I looked at it and laughed and took it as a personal challenge to try use some of those when I'm out approaching.

Here are some of the ones I've decided to try from that list:

  • You decided to wear that?
  • I can re-virginize you.
  • Is chlamydia supposed to itch?
  • How coarse are your pubes?
  • [I bet you'd never guess that] I write erotica for children.
  • [Do you want to] read my Frozen incest fanfiction?

Patrice O'Neal actually used "You look like your breath stinks." as an opener.

It would be an interesting experiment if some of you Gentlemen would try them and report back your results. Take a risk. Say some wild opener that most likely will get you shot down in flames and see if you can pull it off.

Here is a quick field report of some of the unconventional openers I've used before that have worked:

Me: Walk in to the customer site and flip the receptionist a bird, waiving it back and forth a bit, while smiling.

Her: Did you just give me the fuck you?

Me: Yeah, I was teasing you. It's fun! (mild explanation, but dismissive of her indignation, still smiling)

Her: Some more indignation.

Me: So what do you do for fun these days?

Her: bla blah girl stuff

More vibing here, she talks about movies, relationships, mentions her boyfriend. Now she's got a rock on her finger the size of a garbanzo bean. Plus a wedding band as well. And she calls him her "Boyfriend". AWALT

I was sitting doing some work. Now I stand up and stand by the door because I'm done. But I don't face her. I lean up against the door frame, facing 45 degrees away from her, and turn my head to talk to her.

Me: Hey, so I'm really excited to be getting my boat back soon. I think you'd look nice in a bikini, you should join me sometime.

Her: Minor agreement, Some more conversation, I forget what.

As I'm standing there, I cross my arms. Which everyone says is a huge no-no. But I did it because it was comfortable, and she mirrored me.

Some more conversation.

I uncross my arms, shift my position a bit, but not to face her, and she mirrors me again.

Her: You realize I have a boyfriend right?

Me: Hey, it's up to you. If you don't want to come, then don't come. I work 80 hours a week and I just want to have some fun. And I want some company that looks nice in a bikini.

Her: Maybe I should bring him along too!

Me: Sure, bring him along.

Her: Really? That doesn't sound like fun.

Me: (Smiling)

Her: You look like you you have a lot of fun and date a lot of girls.

Me: Meh, (shrugging shoulders) I have a good time.

Her: You know, I just bought a nice bikini (she describes it).

Me: Perfect, I'll bring the boat, you bring the bikini.

Another one: This girl I knew from previous conversation that she was super sensitive about her weight. And she's like 105 pounds. She had given me IOIs before so I knew she was already interested in me.

Me: Hey, how you doing! Gimme a hug.

Her: Tries to give me a sitting down hug.

Me: No way, stand up and give me a real hug.

So she stands up and hugs me and hug her and gently bite where her neck meets her shoulders while making some masculine low growling sounds. Then I end the hug.

Me: Hey, have you gained weight?

Her: WHAT! How could you say that? <more feminine indignation for a couple of minutes>

Me: Hey you know how in school how you like a girl but don't know what to say to her? That's why I said it. (I explained, but didn't apologize, held frame.)

Her: More indignation, but smiling.

Me: I smile, joke. OMG, you're such a girl! But I NEVER apologize.

Her: You know, I could call my manager and report you to him.

Me: Good. Call him up.

More teasing and vibing.

Then I go do some work.

I come back and notice she's sitting at her workstation all crooked, so I fix the arrangement and she's much more comfortable.

Me: Now isn't that better?

Her: Yeah, I'm much more comfortable.

We talk some more, and then I make her laugh. She says "Don't make me laugh, I'm still mad at you!"

I Hold frame, joke around some more.

Her: Yeah, my shoulders were really tight, feel them.

So I massage her shoulders for a bit, comment on the tension, more vibing, teasing, etc.

Go for the close, blah blah.

Remember, with women, it's all about sub-communications. I communicated several things to these women, but it was all unvoiced. Through my body language, through my indifference to their indignation, through my indifference to their current romantic status. Actually girl two is either married or in an LTR. But she didn't bring him up once.

So the Red Pill attributes demonstrated in my approaches:

  • Abundance
  • Dominant body language (especially talking over your shoulder to them)
  • Indifference to outcome
  • Indifference to indignation
  • Mystery
  • Taking control of her body

Now, you notice, for some of the shit tests, I did just "agree", and not "agree and amplify". With shit tests, I tend towards nuclear responses and I know I still need to work on that.

One over-the-top example of agree and amplify would be for the "I'll call my manager" shit test would be "Good. Call him up and we'll run a train on you." (MMF threesome) Actually that would have worked for the "Invite my boyfriend too" shit test.

What are some of the unconventional openers you've used?

tldr; it doesn't matter what you say, it matters how you say it. Don't forget, it's what you say with your body too, not just the words. You need to present a strong frame, both verbally and physically.