Hear me out, this is probably been repeated a shitton of times, but I just needed to vent. Figured this was the best place to do it.

I'm tired of hearing "looks don't matter" from both sexes. It's a comfortable lie that keeps people from pursuing what they want in the most effective way.

I was speaking to a friend and mentioned that I turned a woman down because she was overweight. She said that it was okay, but she also mentioned that if we had a connection then she would've had a problem with it.

I looked at the people she's dated, and they're the tallest, most fit guys. It's not ruining my day or anything but I feel like something's wrong. She holds me to this standard, but I'm not sure if she adheres to it herself. I've been working out for years, why would I want to date a fat girl?

I'm gonna get downvoted to hell for this, but I'm not gonna apologise. I don't want to settle in a relationship with someone I'm not sexually attracted to. I don't owe anyone any favors. And let's be honest, if I wasn't taking care of myself the way I am nobody would be interested. I think the only difference between me and my friend is that I'm honest with myself about it.

Feel free to try and change my views. I'm pretty open. I'm not saying looks are everything but they do matter, a lot.

EDIT: Getting some downvotes here. Lets be civil, I want to hear your opinion. If you have a compelling argument feel free to comment.