There are two basic types of RP discourse: RPW and RPC (wisdom, culture). RPW is generally engaged in useful reflection on sexual strategy, and how to avoid relationship pitfalls. RPC takes these ideas and creates a social group with RPW as the basis.

The problem is that the quality of the ideas becomes diluted when this transition happens. I notice it happening to the point where the emphasis shifts from trying to create a positive male lifestyle, to a meaningless circle-jerk over the misdeeds of women.

I've been engaging with some of TBP material, and think that some valid points are being made. This post shows a flaw in RPC thinking. There are no sexual actions that a woman can take to be considered quality.

Just browse the top RPC posts of all time. The most popular posts are revenge stories about getting back at women.

I've even been banned once for saying positive things to women. A poster was asking what she should do if she wanted to be a good woman. I told her to respect herself, do not sleep with poor quality men, to challenge herself and her man to be the best that they could be. Most recently I suggested that women are naturally good judges of the quality of a man's character. The idea was met with resistance, and I would probably get banned if I was persistent in the debate. I still want to be able to speak over there, so I dropped it.

It is unfortunate that an interesting philosophy has become inhabited by pessimistic men who are so out of touch with positive sentiment about humanity that they can't even fathom the idea of a woman being a good person, but that is what it has progressed to. I should have expected as much, but it is still a disappointment.

I get it. I was a sneering face in the crowd. Laughing at the folly of women, screaming at the injustice of their scams. But it was all ego posturing to distract from my lack of success with women. Recently, I've been getting a lot of positive female attention, and the bitterness is gone. I got in shape and had some normal conversations with with strong eye-contact, held a friendly frame, and made it clear I was interested through innuendo and touching. I'm enjoying myself, and will not forget RPW if anyone starts trying to pull some bull shit on me.

As far as RPC goes, I'm done. I'm thankful for what I've learned, but that is not a place you find lasting happiness.