All credit of this post goes to /u/DownvoteToDisagree

I came across a thread on /r/AskWomen asking why almost all "pick up guides" are written by men. The author implied that women should be the experts on women, and want to encourage men generally to make the right moves. She says:

Like, if I was hosting an art competition where I choose which piece I want to buy, I would try to help people out so they have the best shot at winning, since we both benefit.

TRP veterans know why this assumption is false, and I think many would agree with putting it this way: Would you ask a car salesman or a car buyer on how to make sales?

There is a problem of perspective with the women who are offended by this wisdom. There are things they do not know, and they are not even aware that they lack knowledge. In feminist-speak, this is normally called PRIVILEGE: i.e., "because of your limited experiences, there are unknown-unknowns at play in the world that you are oblivious to and, thus, failing to account for."

This is entirely hubristic to presume knowledge of something that you have never done before. If you believe that men and women are biologically and socially distinct (problem #1 for feminists), then you will understand that men and women have different preferences and expectations in dating.

Many men held pre-concieved notions about dating women, given to them by mainstream society, that were shattered upon contact with reality. Men who thought that politeness, pedestalization, spending money on buying her dinner and flowers, playing therapist to her feelings while she fucks other guys finds herself, etc., would win the affection of the women they try to date are hit with trouble when these women inevitably never see them as more than friends. In their frustration, some of these men will look for answers, and even fewer still will arrive at Red Pill realizations. They become players and, in turn, dispense Red Pill, male-centric advice to their male friends on how to seduce women. This advice will be field tested, based on a mosaic of real world experiences with actual women.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of women will never be smacked with the reality of the difficulties and complications of arousing female attraction. I'll even give some of these women the benefit of the doubt, too--some of them might dispense advice that would honestly attract her in particular, but she is dealing with unknown unknowns when it comes to the general behavior of the female half of the human race behind closed doors. Girls naturally downplay their slutty behavior, particularly in front of their sexual competitors peers.

When I started to use game and develop my Red Pill perspective, I was initially in disbelief what girls would allow me to do on dates while completely disregarding the mainstream advice that I used to take at face value. Good, smart girls would have sex with me in the back seat of my car after a couple dates at a bar.

Do you think they told their girl friends the details of what happened? No. Do you think the reality of what happened factored into their dating advice in the future? Hell no. Therefore, even honest women trying to give dating advice will be advising you based on incomplete knowledge... and, even worse, without knowing that her knowledge is incomplete.