Hello ladies and lurking lads!

I've made a Happiness Sundae, all sweetness.

Today my boyfriend said something that I think made both of us very happy. I was just doing my hair and he popped into the bathroom to simply tell me "You're so sweet, it makes my life so much easier." I smiled and said "AWH REALLY?!" and he said "Yes, you give me all this motivation and energy. It's been a bad month at work and every moment I've been around you has made it durable." I obviously stopped doing my hair to give him a ton of kisses.

This is a field report because I suffer from mental illness and am an incredibly anxious person. I am also an immensely outwardly expressive person, if I'm happy, you know/feel it if I'm sad, it's all over my face. So I re-read Surrendered wife (it's basically my bible) and remembered: "soft place to land". So I've been focusing on "sorting out my moods" while I'm alone so that I can be my better side (my REAL self) around him, since we only see each other a few hours every day.

So assume my sweetness is the icecream of this sundae.

IT WORKED THAT QUICKLY. Why though? Simple - he loves ice cream! and why else? I LOVE ICE CREAM TOO! So as a result, I feel so much better. I can tell that my energy changes how much I want to work towards improving our lives, pushing out a positive energy a "sweetness", made me more motivated and allowed me to enjoy the present more. He then gets that energy too.

The caramel drizzle? Was his response to it all. I've made him so happy, JUST BY BEING A HAPPY PRESENCE!!

Let's throw some sprinkles on this sundae too because my sweetness has increased how much he pays attention to my needs/moods. He's quicker to ask me if I'm okay. Instead of thinking- asking if I'm okay will open up a can of sad worms. He has also asked more about the things that make me less-sweet and has helped me work towards that (my finances stress me out for example, so he offered to draft me up a new budget and took over the internet bill). I think it's because he's less worried about my reactions, he can gauge me better.

Cherry on top? He took me out to this new restaurant I've been dying to go to and every morning for the past two weeks has been a frisky one.

His hugs are tighter, kisses are longer and he lingers around the kitchen when I'm making dinner instead of going on the computer because he wants to be around me more.

Basically moral of the story? Don't underestimate the power of your own positive attitude!!