Mild Spoilers Ahead.

I implore everyone here to go and watch the Joker at least once. Ignore the usual left pandering bullshit like inter-racial coupling, rich white douchebags, etc..

The movie is about a boy raised by a violent, and sadistic single mother.. as a consequence of this upbringing, and lack of a fatherly figure, he becomes one of the greatest villains of all time, Joker.

The Joker single mum, sleeps with bad boys, & often violent men. She allowed the man she was fucking to beat the living shit out of the young Joker and tie him to a radiator.

Because of this incident, the Joker had brain damage and suffers from serious mental illness, delusions of granduer and narcissism. You see.. if the Joker had at least a fatherly figure to put him in his place and show him right from wrong and that he should throttle his limits, he may not have become the cunningly smart, psychopathic murdering maniac, that is the Joker.. This movie lays the blame solely on single mothers.

And that is the main message and why the blue pillers are losing their heads over this movie. Citing that it will inspire mass shootings.. no, as the liberals would like you to believe... it won't.

it's because of the message that single mothers are not fit to raise kids.. especially males. These are dangerous times we live in. The males being raised by single mothers more often than not, have serious mental issues and do not understand their limits. This is how real psychopaths are created.

Besides that, Joaquins acting was incredible and helped made this movie very realistic. He deserves an oscar.

Go and watch the film. It's the defining film of this generation.