Along with looks and money, status is commonly brought up as one of the main things a man needs to obtain desirable women. Now at certain points in life, it is clear what status in. In high school it was about being part of the cool kids crowd and being on the football team and in college it was more or less the same. By having that status, you were able to get with desirable girls that most guys did not have a realistic chance at, even if they had looks and money.

But as we grow up and move into what is called the "real world", it seems like the dynamics change almost dramatically. There is no sense of community like there was in your school days, no clear definition of who is at the top (unless we are talking celebrities) of the ladder, and no cool crowd because everyone for the most part is on their own.

Now with looks, the procedure is quite clear. Hit the gym, dress well, and if it is that bad then simply get a surgery that can make your face more attractive.

With money, it is the same situation. Be creative and find a way to make a good amount of it, working professions such as doctor and surgeon will earn you a lot of money.

With status, it seems very blurry and unclear to me.

How can guys work on the status part of their market value and improve that once they are out in the world?