We had a long weekend together, and she had actually asked me out finally a week or so ago, after her being a plate of mine for about a month. I gave her good sex, and she was pretty attracted to me. I bought her and I tickets to a Zed's Dead concert (cost me 230) and we had to search far and wide to get these things too. We also tripped on shrooms at the concert. Well, after the concert, she took me back to my place, and I was expecting her to sleep over with me like usual. However, she asked to see my phone to see the videos of the concert I took. Without even looking at them, she skipped over to our private sex videos we both had made together, and promptly deleted them.

I can't really put into exact words how the conversation went, because we were both coming down from shrooms at the time, however she had said she didn't want them floating around. I started joking about how the only reason someone should have a reason to delete private vids is if somebody is getting dumped. I told her I wasn't the type of guy to use those against her if I did break up with her. I was teasing her though, and she teased me back about her dumping me, and I said I wasn't dumping her. However then she got up and said she had to leave, and promptly left the house and got in her car and left.

Her birthday is today, and I simply texted her a brief "Happy birthday" today, to which she replied "thanks", and then I replied "What did I do to piss you off last night? I was tripping. Hopefully I didn't fuck up too badly, I like hanging out with you." No reply yet. I have to see her in my acting class in college on Tuesday. My family are telling me I should call her, yet I've always thought it be best to give her space and go as little contact as possible until she starts missing all the good times we had.

I feel like I was used for the concert, which actually tuned out to be more rave like than concert by the way. I hope she wasn't planning on ditching me after the concert, I really hope this wasn't premeditated, because she was more of a girlfriend to me in one weekend than my ex was for 6 months. I'm feeling butthurt, and would like to salvage this relationship. Any advice on how to approach this would be great, but I know...this isn't asktrp.

Its just that I'm so confused as to why all of a sudden she ditched me, I mean she was fucking crazy for me 24 hours ago and its like all of sudden, boom. She's gone.

I don't think I can browse The Blue Pill for laughs anymore, simply because its scary how right The Red Pill is about this. And debating on Purple Pill is pointless-- the Red Pill nailed the nature of women, and I know this because my ex did the same thing to me when she left-- no explanation, just cold turkey, left me and walked out the door with no recourse. I believe AWALT.

EDIT: We didn't officially decide to break up. Maybe this will blow over, maybe she was just being emotional due to the shrooms. Don't know. Usually we drink together, and everything is great. So I really won't know until Tuesday how she's feeling. If she sits by me, thats a good sign. If however she avoids me, then thats not good.