I know The Red Pill advocates men to date younger women, usually no older than 28, when they supposedly hit the magical "wall". Dating any woman 35 or over is extremely frowned upon. At 40+, you may as well forget it. So clearly there's this belief that younger women = good, older women = bad.

However, why don't more women do the same thing? Younger men generally have more energy, harder/fitter bodies, more stamina, more positive (life experiences haven't made them bitter and negative), they're still independent so they're earning their own money or at least in university/college where they have funding, so it's not like they need to be provided for. Equally, so many women earn their own money now and they're financially independent, which means the greater resources of an older man have become irrelevant.

So for women, it appears to be a no brainer. It makes more sense for women in their 40's, 50's and 60's to date a man in his 20's or 30's. With dating apps now, it's really easy for women to do this, I don't understand why more of them don't do this (or maybe they are doing it and I'm just not seeing it?). The frequent argument I hear is "I don't want to date someone who could be my son" but that's a load of nonsense.