Disclaimer: im not from an english speaking country so sorry if my english made you cringe.

How wonderful are those little creatures called females. They are probably the most selfless creatures out there. You give them nothing and treat them like kids and they give you everything. How generous.

You put yourself first and she loves you for it. How sweet.

They have an amazing ability called "hypergamy" fun stuff look it up its over there in the sidebar. That ability makes them get with the most valuable guy they can get which they find attractive. What does this do for us. Well it makes us get up our ass and build something with our lives. Its good if this gets you started but at the end you should have a discipline which will keep you working on yourself without female validation. But you will get there. Hopefully.

They also have this amazing teaching ability for us guys. She leaves you. She stops fucking you. She starts hanging out with her guy friends. She stops giving you attention, no more those sweet puppy eyes. Guess what. Youre beeing a little puss boi beta bitch. Go lift. She is begging you to stop acting like a beta and give her back that alpha she fell in love for. Give her back that alpha you selfish prick.

They will even force their roomates hell their husbands out of the house so you can have a cup of coffee in peace. How wonderful of them. They will make room for you and your enormous pee pee and nobody will notice a thing. But she doesn't do this for puss bois.

You give her a good fucking and she will lay on your chest, with her hair all mesed up and red in the face say that she loves you and mean it, hoping you dont say it back because they want to know that the chase is still on. That they didnt capture you and put a chastity belt on your little pee pee. They will be praying that you dont send them gifts and dont put the on a pedestal. They want to be down. Beneath you admiring you from the ground with her big glowing eyes. How beautiful and supportive they are.

Give them your presence and they will give you your soul. Nothing more. Thats it. They are truly angels.

"But Mr. Foreigner i love my girl and dont have the courage to be an alpha to her, what do i do?"

You dont love her you just DONT LOVE YOURSELF so you project that ideal of love to her. You dont even know how a true man loves a women it is not what you think it is. You have no courage because you have no real love. Go lift and spin plates. These are basics my dear friend. And enjoy the company of these wonderful angels.

TL;DR : Grab your shriveled puss boi little nuts and go slay some pussy you pussy slayer.