Hey All,

Hung out with my girl and her brother last night. I'm older than my girl by four years and older than her brother by 6 years.

To give you context, I've got my shit together, have a business, have a nice body from hitting the gym, eat real healthy, save my semen when I'm not with my girl, don't really do drugs other than psychedelics and the occasional drink, and generally have a pretty strong frame / understanding of woman thanks to TRP. My girl's little brother seems to be a low value dude tbh. Not that I'm hating, just moreso realistic about where he's at with his life - bit chubby, undisciplined with his time and what he eats and drinks, has a seasonal job.

Anyways, I was out with my girl and her brother at a couple bars last night. Wasn't drinking with them - just playing pool, throwing darts. Pretty low key night.

As the night progressed, the brother began to insult me more - calling me a douchebag to which my girl agreed - yeah you are a douche bag. That sort of thing. It felt like his unhappiness with his life was being projected on to me. I didn't really respond to his nastiness. I just began to withdraw myself mentally from their conversations as a result of being bored. What I really didn't like however was my girl and her brother grinning at eachother while holding eye contact when he delivered his subtle verbal insults to me. Like it was inside joke between them.

Brother left. Got a drink with my girl. Fucked her really good a couple times once we got home, which she initiated. Woke up, she initiated sex again, had a good time. Then met up with her little brother again for lunch today And he began attacking people I know in the industry I work in - felt like he was using them as a straw-man for me. Ignored again and just withdrew my attention. My girl was glancing at me constantly to see how I was responding to her brother's shit. Basically just DNGAF and continued to eat my sandwich in silence.

Trying to figure out how to read this situation - seems like her and her brother are close - he might be jealous I'm taking more of her time? And I don't know if I should consider how my girl acted as disrespect or as a simple shit test? Everything was fine for most of the night - just really did not like how her and her bro were getting a delight and him insulting me in front of her.