This is the first in my three part "Politics of the Manosphere" series, exploring politics and the manosphere.

Part 1. Yes, The Red Pill is Political

Part 2. Manosphere Factions & Politics

Part 3. Red Pilled Politics of the Future

TRP is apolitical

I don't know if this is just something we say to the newcomers to lure them in without scaring them off; "No no, of course our frat doesn't haze!" ...or if lots of people actually believe this. Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but TRP and the manosphere in general are most definitely political.

The purpose of politics is to split up the economic wealth of a nation without resorting to war.

In a monarchy/dictatorship, the leader gives wealth to his friends and supporters to maintain power.

In a republic, the holders of the wealth and the performers of valuable labor seek to promote policies which grow the overall size of the pie because they figure that they will have a good chance of capturing some through merit.

In a democracy, the mob votes itself other people's wealth.

In a gynocentric democracy, the mob votes itself other people's wealth, and women seek to replace men with the government so that they no longer need individual males to survive.

Let's explore that last sentence further. There are three principles that underscore human gender dynamics.

  1. Women need men to surive^1 but they find the bottom 80% (beta males) of men to be repulsive. Their children also need men to survive and thrive.

  2. Beta males by definition do most of the work in society and therefore under any rational system must be given most of that society's resources in order to incentivize their work.

  3. Men want sex. In order to obtain sex, most are willing to provide resources to women/children, but need some assurance that the child is theirs.

You might've noticed that this presents a bit of a problem.

In any society that requires labor and capital to produce stuff, beta males will do most of the work and need to be rewarded to incentivize that work. Yet women are disgusted by them and don't want to have sex with them. But why would they work if they can't get any pussy? Before feminism we solved this problem by force and religion. We made women get married and told them that if they cheated then God would smite them.

Principle #1 was suppressed - we ignored their disgust for the bottom 80% and used force to divy their pussies out to all the productive beta males so they would keep farming the crops and building the buildings and inventing cool shit. The alpha males also accepted this because they were now in charge of much more powerful and cohesive societies, which was an overall benefit justifying their sacrifice.

After women got the vote, they of course sought to change the things they hated, and being dependent upon beta males was top on the list. So what did they replace this system with? Did they replace it with a system of equality whereby they assume the same responsibilities as men, commensurate with their new rights? Of course not, they're women. They have neither the ability nor the inclination to put civilization on their backs and run with it.

So what did they do? Well, they voted for their self interest. Let's revist the three principles of gender dynamics. None of the principles can be changed because they are rooted in biology, but as we have seen, they can be suppressed by force.

Once women obtained power through the democractic process it was their turn to tinker with the principles. Step 1 was obviously removing the suppression of their sexual choice, really any checks on their sexuality which forced them to fuck betas or denied them alpha cock. To that end, the institution of marriage was gradually eroded over 75 years to its present pointless state. But this of course presents a problem for women. They like all the stuff that civilization produces and those pesky betas need to keep making it for them. So how to get them to keep working?

Suppressing #3 is probably a non-starter. Men are not going to cuck themselves, although the recent pro-cuck propaganda has just begun, so hey maybe I'm wrong. But what about #2? Do we really have to give betas all these resources that they produce? The answer, as it turned out, was an emphatic no. Turns out beta bitches will accept divorce rape, as well as 30-40% tax rates (most of which is diverted to single moms and other playthings of female voters) with a shrug. And voila, the modern gynocracy was born.

But this was still sort of unsatisfying to women. After all, being on welfare sucks, and you have to go through the whole marriage/sex thing before you divorce rape your beta. But what if they could earn their own money? Nevermind the fact that they kind of suck at it, they'll just use the government to force companies to hire them.

Now that I think about it though, work kind of sucks too! Men used to just give them money, why should they have to work for it now? The government should really pay for their healthcare, tampons, etc. They should get scholarships just for being women. They should get free cab rides from universities. Really everything should just be free.

This all leads inexirably, irresistably, biologically to one end - a Universal Basic Income (UBI) state, funded mostly by men for the benefit mostly of women. This is the end state of all female political power. They vote their in their genetic interests, and their genetic interest is Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks. It's so fucking obvious when you open your eyes. Literally everything they advocate is a push for the the perfect female state - one in which men are enslaved to the government, the government divies up the resources among women equally, and women have consequence free sex with alpha males.

Tying it all together

Re-familiarize yourselves with Briffault's law, which states that in any species, voluntary interaction between the male and female occurs only when it benefits the female, otherwise she can just walk away. In every species, females need sperm from the males to reproduce, so they come to together to mate. In many species, this is the extent of their interaction. The female gets horny, finds a male, takes his load, and runs away. The females can survive just fine on their own, and so they don't associate with the males for any reason beyond sex.

The mere fact that we are social creatures and women voluntarily interact with us shows that they need us to survive. And if they are gaining from the interaction, as good non-slaves, we should gain something too. That's what it means when we say don't be a plowhorse, don't put the pussy on a pedastal, etc. It means that these women are getting something by interacting with you, so you need to get something in return. Otherwise, you need to walk away.

So yes, TRP is political. We don't advocate organized political action because we know we can't win. We fight in other ways. We explictly reject the established system used to to divy up resources (money and pussy), which is by definition political. We ensure that we benefit when we interact with women. We minimize the involvement of women's great instruments, the government and family courts, into our lives. Essentially we try to avoid becoming slaves. I can't think of anything more political than trying to avoid slavery.

While the entire manosphere more or less correctly identifies the problem, the different factions (TRP, Married TRP, MGTOW, Black Pill, MRA) all react in a different way, and have different strategies for dealing with our reality. These differences in reaction will be the subject of my second article in my series, "Part 2. Manosphere Factions & Politics."

Tying it all together (for real this time)

TRP is apolitical

So, having shown that TRP is most decidedly political, why do we keep hearing this? This phrase is almost always written by leftists and here's what drives this mindset. They find TRP just like the rest of us (bad life event with women, general poor performance with women, or feeling that something is wrong in the world). They read, they digest, they self-improve, and they apply. They see that wow, these principles really do work.

But then they experience massive cognitive dissonance because manosphere principles simply aren't compatible with leftism, and if they think about it too hard, they might be forced to reconsider their entire worldview.

Now maybe you are actually just a weak bitch and allying yourself with women to steal shit from other men is a good strategy for you. If that's the case I recommend you try to become a strong man who doesn't need to do this, and if you can't/won't then you can go fuck off and die for all I care. For the rest of you, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome, but if you believe in TRP principles and have seen them in action, then it's really time for you to stop thinking and voting like a woman.

^1. They always have and they always will. The proliferation of women in white collar jobs does little to change this, and in any case it is unclear how many women would actually hold these jobs if employers were free to do a real cost/benefit when evaluating whether to hire a woman.