Perusing the internet, I came across this article.

We certainly witnessing an interesting time in the entertainment industry. It's a time where a scantily clad sorceress with giant breasts is criticized as being simply eye candy, despite her great talents with sorcery. Then we have a movie glorifying a BDSM fetish eagerly anticipated by women everywhere.

The opening paragraph is one instance of an ever-increasing phenomenon these days. That is, women who exhibit different responses to certain media in which women are portrayed as "sexy" or "sex objects.

In this case, gamers are criticized as perpetuating the patriarchy while Christian Grey has become the object of women's fantasies. The article decries this "inconsistency".

But in fact, women aren't being inconsistent here, although it seems like they're reacting differently to the game versus 50 Shades of Grey.

What they are reacting to is: STATUS

I'm sure you all have observed the phenomenon. And if you're not sure why, it's because women will hamster and rationalize one set of circumstances depending on the status of the man involved. Put simply, if the man is of high status, then he can do anything he wants, and what he does is a priori considered as sexual.

So when you see a group of men fawning over cartoon boobs in a video game, that is "disgusting" because these men are associated with video games. There's nothing wrong with games, but you must remember from a woman's perspective, anything a man does that does not directly contribute to his status/income = waste of time & childish.

These gamers therefore have no right to a woman's attention. And men who don't deserve women's attention who then TRY to get women's attention = "eww creepy". Further, gamers' explanations of "hey it's just fantasy" is even more disgusting to women because any man who's sexuality is in the form of a "video fantasy" again doesn't deserve her attention.

On the other hand, a high status man who is rapping lyrics (any hip hop artist), writing books, or making some piece of media about sexualized women is okay insofar as he (or the male character) is of high status. Queue Jamie Lannister, Christian Gray, etc.

TL'DR If you keep this in mind, you will suddenly understand a lot of the "inconsistency" in women's reactions towards shit.