Hi, just wanted to share what might be a helpful link if anyone out there is like me.

I used to go to the gym basically daily, I lifted and was a runner, but at the same time I was overweight. I still loved it.

But I've gotten so out of shape. I'm thin now (BMI went from about 30 to 22), but sooo unfit.

I don't want a gym membership because I'm moving soon, I don't have the space to buy equipment, and I've been rationalising being out of shape because I'm thinner! Which is awful. But I found this at-home daily body-weight workout, I've only been doing it a few days but I feel great.


It's intense for someone who was sedentary, and I have had to just do as much as I can, but I'm already getting stronger every day.

Just love that it's at home & doable with no equipment at all. And thorough! So wanted to share, in case anyone else wants to start. :)