Myth: The women are not working and is financially dependent to her man. Thus, easier to control and less incentive to leave, because she has a lot to lose since there is no or little alimony/child support law. And if there is any, it is often not being enforced.

Truth: Nowadays most of the women have careers too. And even in the time where career women were a real rarity, the women were always working. They have no career, but these are what they commonly do: cateering business, sewing business, laundry business, farming/raising and selling poultries, giving dancing lessons, cleaning people's houses, food processing, massage (non happy ending or with happy ending), etc... They may not have 'real career' but they earn more money than your movie stereotypical SAHM in Western romantic comedy. Especially the women that farm, they are usually literally the source of the household's meals.

Child support and alimony is hardly enforced, that is true. However many of the women have generally less problem abandoning her children if the children became too much of a burden for her own existance. And there is also no law about abandoning your own children, as long as there is no direct harm to them (for example flushing newborn down the toilet, there is jailtime for that. But simply leaving your kids in the dormitory and not coming back after, to live your life in a new place? No jailtime for that.)

This is how you have those bajillions of street children.

Why is this happening and why is it being tolerated? A strong filial piety culture. Kids have to listen and sometimes even serve their parents. This is also why you see so many child labors. They are not working for themselves, they are working for parents/grandparents/etc. And these children will not know better either, because if they share this problems with their friends, they only seldom get contradicting thoughts.

Myths: This is a bit contradicting one. The women are being put under societal pressure to have children, so they often do not demand so much from their man, as long as they get to be mothers. or They are very financially and socially picky of their partners, but once you got pass her screening process, you are in for good.

Truth: There is indeed societal pressure to have children...but for both the men and the women. Barren men is looked down upon as much as barren women (again, this is partly also where those bajillions of children coming from). Not being able to have biological children is valid ground for divorce, since adoption is strangely also unpopular in these countries.

The part of not demanding is back to individual themselves. Some women are more demanding than others, just like some men. However there is a bigger factor at play here: The Family.

The screening process is not only being done by her. It is often being done by her parents first and foremost. And if you have bad luck, it will be done by her entire family.

However, there is a truth in that if you've passed, you've passed. Parents or family who satisfied with the man, often will encourage the woman to stay in the marriage even if the man has cheated or turned abusive.


Dare you losing that financial and social status that you carried with you!!! Even if you are the best husband and dad, even if you are a very devoted and loyal husband, the family will encourage the woman to leave, if she comes across someone 'better'.

Myths: The women are very caring and accomodating.

Truth: I am a bit confused about this one. Isn't making someone life easier/better/more comforable, generally what someone who loves their partner will do, regardles of gender, sexual orientation, races or culture? Isn't it just a very basic instinct in most of us?

You see your partner exhausted after work...don't you want to run the bathtub, or making some meals, or giving back/leg rubs, preparing their game/sport/woodworking/etc station for them? Why does it needs to be somone who is traditional to do this?

And yes, just like many women and men all over the world who love and cherished their partners, traditional women are pretty much just like their liberal counterpart in caring and accomodating of someone they love. But it is just something that is very normal.

Edit: The Ultimate Myths: It is unrelated with Women, but nonetheless very important. The thought that moving to the East will solve all of your problems.

I have to talk about this, because often times you see "just move to Asia" as a suggestion.

Truth: Are there expats who are having better lives and are sucessful after moving there? Of course there are. However what people need to ask is that how many crashed and burn instead.

Expats who committed suicide is not rarity, but often this does not get talked about. These are often people who could not make it in their own land, among their own people who speak their own language and have the sams culture with the them. If they cannot make it in the easy mode, what the hell possessing them to think that it will be easier in hard mode.

There are sharks everywhere that are ready to pick apart someone who has liquidated everything he has in order to live the Eastern paradise life.

You want to choose not believing in anyone in order to avoid leeches? Welcome to isolation...and we know what happened to many isolated and lonely older people everywhere.