So I’ve been with my girlfriend for a few months now, and lately I’ve indulged in a bunch of behaviours with her that TRP wouldn’t recommend (talking about feelings, complimenting her a lot as she said she needed more and being vulnerable mainly). Nothing has changed sexually between us, but recently my girl showed me a music playlist she made about me, and so I did the same. I put a few really gooey love songs in there, and she has a lot about how intense her love is, and now the whole thing has me freaked out and has me feeling like pulling away from the relationship out of fear for both intimacy and her not seeing me as masculine for doing this stuff. I feel like I really fucked up for putting those really emotional songs in the playlist (my kind of woman and still together by Mac DeMarco if you were wondering lol)

What experiences have you had with stuff like this and did it fuck your relationship up???