Exactly what it says on the tin. Kinda hard to shift through the pieces and toss put what I don't like without a counterphilosophy.

Edit: i'm really impressed and thankful for the feedback i've received so far. There's been enough asking for more to work with that I should better articulate what I need. Pill's wrecked my entire worldview. I have a post about 5 months back kinda detailing this. I've done a lot of work to try and move past this, making female friends, cutting out the sub and the group of people reinforcing it, trying to stop looking for reasons to confirm what i'd learned, etc. I've found though that it's been so difficult to move on though because intersparced with everything, pill sheds light on a few legitimate issues, a few occurances that I don't have a satisfying explanation to, a lot of otherwise really good advice, and a lot of my insecurities (really just torn apart and magnified by it). A lot of things I don't want to believe, but don't have a counterargument for that resonates as well. If it were a few big things it wouldn't be as much an issue, but it's just so many small things that keep coming up. I've come to realize that I can't just avoid the parts of the pill I didn't like, because taking in that information has already cracked the foundation of my worldview. What I think I really need to do is take some dedicated time to flesh out a new one that sits well with me.

I really am thankful for the offerings you've given me so far. I've already got everything recommended so far on it's way in the mail. I'd absolutely love anything more you'd want to recommend. Or any advice, or kind words, or anything at all. Everyone who responds to this does so out of love, and that's something I can't repay you for.