I always struggled to figure out what color on the "spectrum" I even am. I mean pushing past the obvious (if not mutable) gender issue there's also orientation which is circumstantial. Not fixed.

But I'm human, so I'm obligated to choose some space to occupy. I must pick a "label" to explain my position in a given segment of time.

This week it's gray, no clue which of the fifty shades of labels I'd get stuck with.

But gray/ace/demi is the flavor of choice at the moment...for me.
Other people have different labels and like many people I've found I haven't been willing or able to fit the same label for my entire life.

So in thinking about women's rights and equality this way I also started to think that transgender was an option.

So then I got to thinking about feminism..and the irony of it. Working for equality of women when you can either become one, or stop being one.

Then I got to thinking, with transgender being on the table how bizarre the red pill is.

What's the point of having rigid gender roles, if there are no rigid genders? It almost renders the red pill absurd.

I know human beings are not there yet but consider the political correctness of words we use every day.

"Sibling" "Spouse" "partner"

All I know is I don't want to personally be a "less than" no matter what color of the rainbow I am, on a given life segment.

And I don't want to treat others as a "less than" no matter what color of the rainbow they are, in their given life segment.

This is the problem I have with the red pill.