I've been called an 'insufferable prick' just for the fact I made a thread on r/self asking why I might have had 2 threads discussing the damage of Frame removed from 2 subs. Seriously. Could you imagine if I went up to a random stranger and called them that IRL? I'd be beat up.

Moreover, what do I learn from this?

  • That I have entertained a notion which they strongly disagree with

  • That merely entertaining or being brainwashed by the notion makes me a bad person

  • That therefore I should shut up and just know why people dislike me, regardless of whether I had come to challenge the notion or not, merely entertaining is means I should shut up

I'm starting to realise here and Punching Morpheus are the only real safe spots to challenge what you 'learned' from RP (and PPD but that tends to swing in RP's favour).

In general, I notice that the basic assumption of TRP women don't like is 'you not being good enough for me is not an excuse to dislike me'. What I took from this is that it's not safe anymore to say if a woman hurts you if you have a problem with society as a man etc. The most up voted posts I get are along the lines of 'it's all my fault, you can do no wrong but I'm not putting you on a pedestal either, you win yes I am a loser and I am not good enough for you, it is entirely my responsibility to change that'. I have made threads to that line, and people love them.

Again I cannot believe someone has called me a prick simply for seeking help with a concept which I find emotionally damaging. It's stuff like this, which makes me crawl back to toxic places like TRP. Because outside, not all of the advice is great.

I don't have much to say today as just being told to 'grow up and shut up' is putting me off from seeking help.

edit: inside TRP I'm generally called too beta to be there haha