Disclaimer: These are my own personal observations and my own analysis of TRP. I did not use scientific studies or data to back my words. I almost posted this from a throwaway but decided not to. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts, as that is this work's sole purpose.

A surefire way to understand the evolutionary psychology of women and use it to one's advantage? Sign me the fuck up, no? TheRedPill is a collection of theories, "truths", and observations from numerous people from all over the world. These theories that are taught focus on understanding women's sexual strategy purely from a perspective of evolutionary psychology. A lot of the core psychological phenomena that have been listed, are true on an evolutionary level. Despite the huge influence of modern culture, society, and law, it seems that a lot of these guys have great success with having plenty of sex with plenty of women. But, if it is only focused on one part of what makes a woman, a woman, how can it be effective?

Well that depends on one's definition of effective, but we'll get to that shortly. The only reason why TRP users get the level of success they do, is because of the power of understanding evolutionary psychology. Sexual strategy is so ingrained in our minds, that it cannot be changed. Those of TRP who claim to understand this psychology, can for the most part, effectively use it to get laid.

Why doesn't it work on all women? People under estimate the power of culture and society on a fellow human being. Back in the days of clubs and pointy sticks, understanding this sexual strategy would allow you to have sex with any woman any time. Things change though. Relationships started to form, parents started caring for their children in different manners, courtship came and went, and eventually the modern relationship came to fruition. It seems the theories of TRP would have you believe that unless you are an alpha male with the highest social market value, any girlfriend will eventually cheat on you. Perhaps any cave woman will cheat on you, but not the modern woman. Women aren't these creatures excused from morals because of their "sexual nature" Most normal women won't cheat on a boyfriend because they recognize that it is frowned upon, and because morals effect them too. Just like the average, good-hearted male, most women would feel awful for cheating on a SO. Some women, will cheat, but many more will break up before they do, or will come clean afterword, or will simply not do it for the sake of their relationship.

Look around, how many very successful relationships have you seen? College friends that dated for a couple years that ended on a good note, or at least the woman didn't cheat on the guy or leave him for someone else. The cute old couple that can hardly walk anymore, that have only been married once, and never cheated on each other. According to TRP it is impossible for women to love men, only the relationship. My grandma has dementia and my grandpa passed away a few years ago. After the funeral the whole family went for a meal. I watched my grandma eating her food with a smile on her face, she was happy because she was with her family. Then she froze, the smile left her face, she turned to her daughter and asked "Where's my husband?" As her memory came back to her he burst into tears, unable to do anything but drop her fork and knife. As my family consoled her she murmured about how much she loved him and the world took him away from her. They were married for 66 years, my grandma always clearly love him dearly, even after he wasn't providing money due to retirement, even after his body aged and became fragile. Even now she still will sit in tears looking at a photograph of him. If anyone says that isn't love, they should know that red pill is actually a suppository.

This brings me what the extent of TRP's "effectiveness" actually is. Very few are married, most don't believe in it. Most don't have girlfriends either. The only success they have is meaningless sex or simple flings. If you want to trick a woman into bed with you cause you aren't a worthy enough man to attract them as you are, by all means go ahead.

Me? I do think there is a lot more depth to women than they proclaim. Many of the TRP followers would scoff and call me a blue pill swallowing beta male. I am not a Red Piller, nor a blue piller. I am not an alpha male, nor am I beta male. My name is Jason, I am a sophomore in college studying philosophy, I love to hike, travel, and learn. Women find me attractive because of who I am. I make decisions that are my own, not that of evolution. Because I am "awake".