Lately I’ve been having strange thoughts. I’ve been feeling depressed and paranoid. I’ve become unsure about many things about myself.

Before you motherfuckers start to give the same advice to everyone else. Yes, I lift. Yes, I eat right. Yes, I’m financially stable. Yes, I get regular sex from multiple females every week. Yes, I have a purpose that I’m actively pursuing.. but I feel so FUCKING EMPTY.

I feel like I can’t trust anybody. I can’t let anybody into my life. If they know too much then they’ll eventually use that against me in some form or another. I feel like that everyone that wants to be my friend just wants to sell me something or promote their agenda, and every female that I fuck or seems like she’s really into me is just using me and lying to me and planning an unprectibale charade against me.

I know this seems paranoid and at this point I really don’t know who to turn to, because I think if I tell this to anybody I know they’ll just use it against me. I’m slowly becoming afraid of the world.. I just want to know if these thoughts are reality, or if this is just bullshit that my mind is spewing because I’m depressed or paranoid or whatever.

Thanks guys. If you’ve been through something like this I’d really like to know what you did to get through it.