TLDR: Technology is finally giving women unlimited attention but much to their detriment with anxiety and depression becoming more and more prevalent. Men have used porn as a technological way to get unlimitted sexual choice, but with the western marriage landscape and feminist culture / laws - my prediction is that sex robots will not only be huge disruptors, but also I'm predicting men will pay huge sums of money for them.


Let me start off by saying that I am not making a moral argument for a sex robot - the entire topic sounds weird to me and probably to the majority of men in the west. However, in this post I'm trying to predict how technology is changing the way men and women interact.

I watched a few interesting podcasts recently, one with Rollo Tomassi and a game veteran named Tate. He obviously had lots of success and he brought up an interesting idea - that attention is your number one tool in game. That either giving or withdrawaling attention with your woman is a key way to resolve conflicts or to set boundaries. He is also somewhat of an online pimp, in that he runs a web cam business and therefore has a stable of women that he manages - and his insights in managing the women was the same. The women desire male attention, preferably an alpha male attention - they care much less about the business / financial end.

This idea ran concurrent with the current cultural phenomenon of instagram.

In the podcast above, Joe Rogan and the guest talk about how they are raising their daughters and how America is in general. Anxiety, depression and suicides in females has gone up signficantly since the increased adoption of socilal media - as women show aggression just as frequently as men, however they show social aggression by either shaming or gossiping - attacking other females reputations. Women are much more frequent users of instagram than are men because they feed off social opinions much more readily. As Red Man Group or other red pill theorists have claimed, females have always had to survive in history by interacting with the group - social approval or disapproval is of great value (more so than men) because they didn't go into the forrest and kill game - nor were they building things or creating things in the marketplace as much. It make sense that women would be more attracted to and also more affected psychologically by things like instagram.

Technology has given women exactly what they want. It's a cheap and fake version, but they are able to get loads of attention. You see, 100 years ago if you were a beautiful woman, you may still have had to dress up, put effort out there, go out and be seen - and then and then only would you get some attention. However there are lots of barriers to this attention, men had to approach - so that could eliminate 80 or 90%, maybe even more. Plus it could be clumsy, fleeting, and certainly less frequent. Now a woman can take a picture, add filters and photography tricks to enhance herself (btw, this is part of why women are depressed - they are competing with false versions of other women), anyway, these women can take pictures of themselves and sidestep all the previous barriers and be flooded with beta orbiters on instagram, tinder, etc. Deep Strength had mentioned that a man should find a woman not engrossed in social media, I agree - however, this problem is so widespread! Twelve year old girls are now getting instagram accounts and taking selfies and adding filters. You are literally an outcast if you don't have an account. As Rollo and Tate mentioned or anyone who has interacted with these women, the amount of ego and self-reinforcement that women tap into is insane. Every 6 thinks she is a 9.

But what about men? Certainly pornography is a widespread problem, even among Christian men. You could say men have already used technology to tap into this - unlmited sexual selection. However, the final evolution of this is probably AI and a sex robot. There will be a time in the next decade or two, when something very close to the movie Ex Machina comes about. If you haven't seen it, they are basically creating female robots that are essentially nearly human. Now, this level of technology truly maybe over 10-20 years out but we certainly can picture a world with these in the next 50 years. When you consider all the landmines of marriage in the modern world (alimony, a broken court system, being a slave for 10-20 years by having the government take half your income, sexless marriages, feminist laws, women who literally don't add value anymore - cook, clean, what!?, being falsely accused of abuse/rape). There are so many landmines with marriage. How about the recent story of the man with Cystic Fibrosis who was sterile since birth but got tricked into raising 3 boys who were not his (his wife cheated) and then losing 4 million pounds in his divorce (link). There are so many things that can and do go wrong.

On the sexless marriage - Tate from the Rollo interview had an interesting point. Quick backgroun first:
He lives in Romania because he had to fight off a 4 year #MeToo battle in London where he was falsely accused of abusing a woman. If men think this isn't a big deal, realize they can slap you with a felony - or like Judge Kavnaugh - almost ruin your entire life and with no actual grounds or evidence. Tate had to fight for years and provide loads of evidence just to fight off an allegation with no evidence. Anyway, the point is he moved to Romania and he mentioned that women there stay attractive after marriage - why? They don't have all these femnist laws. If a mother of 3 becomes fat, unattractive and has three kids, she will no longer be getting all the resources of her man. She has to "Keep doing what got her there". I put that in quotes because this is what we tell men! Men, continue to game your wife and keep improving your status, keep growing, etc. It never ends. However, women have the ultimate trump card - the state. The state after marraige says, do whatever you want and you still get half of this man's resources for a decade or more. If you have kids? basically 2 decades.

So yes, our unique culture/laws allows for terrible things to happen in marriage. It literally cost the cystic fibrosis guy 4 million and raising another man's children for decades. With how twisted and bad of a deal marriage has become for men in the west, a sex robot company could literally charge $100,000 and it would be less costly than a human woman in the west. I again and not moralizing, nor making an argument that men should do this - however, I would say that there will be a huge market for this because of how terrible marriage and feminist laws have become in the west. No man would ever pay even $1,000 for a sex robot in Romania... well, I take that back. My assumption is that we are talking about higher level men who are able to get women. We all know there are maybe 20% alphas out there, what about the incels who are in the bottom 20% - something like this allows them to pay their way into a woman who acts / looks like a 10 without all the problems reality brings.

So yes, I do believe that technology has been able to provide women what they want most - loads of attention. However, on the horizon there is going to be a somewhat weird solution but it will give men what they want most, unlimited sexual choice with attractive female figures. If you think this is unlikely, if I had mentioned 50 years ago that 70% of men who profess to be Christian would be using porn, no one would have believed it. I'm not throwing out a figure now, but even 5 or 10% is enough to change the landscape. It sounds like social media adoption for generation Z women is in the 80 or 90 percent range.