I was considering starting a Monk Order for men who want to take The Red Pill and start with going “Monk Mode”.  I’m posting this idea here for multiple reasons.

  1. I want to see if /r/RPChristians think it’s a bad idea and feedback as to why.
  2. Maybe it’s a good idea but I’m just executing it poorly.
  3. Perhaps it’s a great idea and I should get started right away.

What is Monk Mode?  Monk Mode is a “right of passage” journey from boys to men.  Many cultures of the past had a right of passage journey where they send boys into the forest to fend for themselves for months at a time to become a man (or something similar to that).  When you first take TRP, there is so much theory reading and attempting to practice, but like most facets in life, we fail. I believe we are missing that key element. The short time in our lives where we suffer (voluntarily) and forgo the luxuries afforded to us to make our will stronger and become actual RP Christian men. You can’t do that at home living with mom or dad, or staying in that same place you live with your roommates.  You need to go to an environment unfamiliar to you, alone, and survive and be the man you are destined to be. I layed out a bunch of rules for the Monk Order, they are listed below, please let me know what you think.

I’ve always had this idea that being a Monk would be cool. I almost was a Monk at one point as well.  I went to a church that had a monastery. I was one of the youngest guys there. Most of the Monks there were kinda older… The Friar saw the interest I showed, and he suggested that I join.  I gave it serious though, but turned it down mostly because I’m afraid of a lifelong commitment like that.

But the idea always stuck with me.  It would be really cool to be a Monk.  So why Don’t I make my own order, with my own rules?

The rules.

  1. You don’t have to follow the rules.  You CHOOSE to follow the rules. This is something you are going to do for your benefit.  The rules will be laid out but it's you who chooses to keep them.
  2. You SHOULD move. Sure, you can do this in the city you are living. But you will most likely fail as you fall back on your dependance on your family and friends.  The men of old cultures would force these young men to go into the forest where they had no dependance on anybody but themselves for survival. Moving to a city where you know nobody is key to simulating this feeling.  At the least you have to live alone, and accept no help from anyone.
  3. This is not permanent.  You are a monk as long as it takes to achieve whatever you set to achieve. Once you are done, you are done.
  4. You do not talk about the order.  I didn’t want to make it rule one so I can separate myself from those common cliches that started with Fight Club. You don’t tell anyone what you are doing, nobody. You are just doing what you do.  If anyone notices change, good, let them. That is what you are attempting to achieve. But you don’t let them know why or what you are changing.
  5. You do not initiate a text message with anyone that is outside of the order.  This does not mean that you do not text people. If someone texts you, text them back.  How much and for how long? That is for you to determine. But your goal is to limit contact with the outside world.  Especially females, be short, decline invites, get back to work.
  6. You are a clean person.  Your room, your personal hygiene, your paperwork, books, everything is neat, organized and clean.  You are a master of keeping your house clean.
  7. The rules are yours to follow (remember rule 1). But this also means we don’t judge  other Monks for not following rules. We don’t tell the Friar about their actions. If they break a rule, they are only hurting themselves.  If you would like to pull someone aside and let them know you care for them and their progress than that is ok. But ultimately what they choose to do is their choice.
  8. No alcohol or drugs. Why? Don’t insert anything in your body that impacts your brain. Alcohol and drugs change the way you think when you are influenced by them.  You need to change your mind and must be sober to do it.
  9. No sex, masturbation or porn in any way shape or form.  There is nothing wrong with having a sexual appetite or desire.  But porn and society has changed the natural way we should be thinking about girls and sex in general.  We are changing our ways, to appreciate and love ourselves so we can appreciate and love females in a different light.
  10. Stay off of all forms of social media.  No headbook, snaptext, twatter.. None of it.  You are a ghost. Nobody knows where you went and nobody knows what you are doing.  You don’t make an update saying “I wont be around for awhile”. That is weak, you are changing into a man and nobody needs to know.
  11. No movies, music, or news.  Basically, stay away from media of this world.  This is a tough one. You have been shaped by movies and music no matter how much you want to believe that your will is stronger than that.  Every song, movie, and news article shapes and creates a bias in you. Now your job is to fill your mind with things that are good to your overall goals and progress in life; non-fiction books and videos that will help you achieve your goals.  Do you think a video is made to help you overall in your progress? (like a Joe Rogan video). Determine if it is good for you, and then decide yes or no. but I would recommend avoiding as much as possible.
  12. Get 8 hours of sleep. Sleep from 10 pm - 6 a.m.  or 9 pm to 5 am. Or 11 - 7. Whatever you choose, you must get 8 hours of sleep, and have time in the morning for your rituals. You sleep with no lights on, no music, no videos.  The only thing you may be allowed is a noise maker or nature noise maker for tinnitus or other reasons.
  13. Read… a lot.  “Have I read enough today?”  If you have to ask that, than you probably haven’t
  14. Pray, if you’re not big into Christianity, I can understand your problem with praying.  But if you are a RP Christian, this should be a daily procedure. The only reason it isn’t higher in the rules is because there is no set order in rules or ranking of importance.
  15. Two daily devotionals, one with meditation.  You read the Bible twice a day, and you meditate on the words for 5-30 minutes at least once
  16. Meditate.  Start with 5 minute of meditation a day, and you will progressively keep doing it until you reach at least 30 minutes.  Normal wordly meditation is without thought and focusing on breath. But Christiam mediation is meditating on the words from the Bible.
  17. Wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair. Not literally (but yes also literally).  Don’t look disheveled. You aren’t doing this to gain attention. Look and act normally everyday as to not draw attention to yourself.
  18. Lift.  Lifting and staying in shape is probably the most important rule of TRP.  Hit the gym daily. Get in the best shape of your life.
  19. Diet.  Just as important as exercising.  Get in a rhythm of eating the right types of foods.  Do research on diets such as Keto, Carnivore, Vegetarian, etc.
  20. Intermittent fast. The best way to get over weight loss and gains plateaus.  This is something everyone should consider doing. Only eat 4-8 hours on a daily basis and fast for 16-20 hours. The results will be amazing.
  21. Read a red pill article. From this subreddit or other TRP subreddits.  They aren’t long, and they are informative and you need to theory read daily.
  22. Keep a Journal. Log what you are doing.  Keep your gains organized and write down your goals and micro goals.
  23. Don’t give up.  If you break a rule. Keep on keeping on.  You owe yourself that. Sometimes when you take a wrong turn, you need to take a step backward to go in the right direction again.
  24. Do something for your community.  Monk Mode in general is about being selfish, but real Monks are selfless and volunteer and sacrifice for their community.  While this isn’t a real monk order, it would benefit us all to be selfless and actually sacrifice some of our time for the less fortunate around us.

Please let me know your thoughts.