So on the other red pill subs guys describe dread as being the most potent weapon for getting what they want from their women. I've been thinking a lot about this and wondering if as a Christian man can I even use it the way others do.

I'll explain my own situation a bit:

When I was dating my now wife a few years ago I made a comment about a certain singer that I thought was really hot. My wife ended up crying because it hurt her so much that I would look at other women like that and think those things. She wanted me to only think those things about her. That made sense to me so I stopped. I did have a porn habit off and on that, I'm ashamed to admit, followed me into my marriage. The times I admitted this to her obviously hurt her tremendously.

We all know that guys on the other red pill subs wouldn't see anything wrong with my behavior of looking at other women, but according to Jesus it was lust and therefore adultery. I've read the book Every Man's Battle a number of times and have adopted the habit it describes as bouncing one's eyes away from anything sensual that is not your wife. This has really made my wife hotter in my eyes because she's the only visual sexual gratification I get.

So what I'm getting at is how can that mindset be compatible with traditional, red pill dread? Are there very minor versions of dread that would not be lustful? What, if any, dread do you use?