Pretty much what it says in the title. Both TRP and FDS work well when only a small fraction of the population of either gender adopts their strategies. They give the participants an edge in the dating market over the other members of their gender. However, if a sufficiently large fraction of one gender adopts the strategies, the other gender gets smart to it and no longer want's to participate.

Example for FDS: Making men pay for dates without seriously considering having sex/entering a relationship with them.

This works great when only 1% of women do this, since men who encounter these women will write them off as outliers and they will accept the risks when dating. When 90% of women do this, men won't want to participate because they'll get fleeced before they encounter a woman who actually wants them.

Example for TRP: Plate spinning/Pumping and dumping women after giving them hope of long term commitment.

This works great when only 1% of men do this, since women who encounter these men will write them off as outliers and they will accept the risks when dating. When 90% of men do this, women won't want to participate because they'll get heartbroken 9 times before they encounter a man who actually wants them.

The worst thing though is that both sides have an incentive to adopt these anti-social techniques while gas lighting the other side by saying that they don't work. Thus, a growing fraction of the population is adopting these techniques and getting mad at the other side for screwing them over/gas lighting them. Since these are all local incentives, there is absolutely nothing individuals can do to stop them.

To use the dating market analogy, TRP and FDS strategies are equivalent of stealing from the market. Markets can't operate when people steal the goods in the market. There are unwritten social contracts involved in dating and these strategies work by not holding up your end of the deal.

I don't know what to do if I'm right but it feels like the only thing that can unfuck the modern dating market is a bipartisan moratorium on anti-social TRP and FDS strategies.

Note also that this does not apply to the prosocial aspects of TRP and FDS such as self-improvement. The more both sides adopt those tactics, the more both sides want to engage in the dating market, and the smoother things go.

Another thing that might throws a wrench in this is that there's really 3 populations. The top men, women, and the bottom men. Top men screw over women. But women screw over bottom men. Thus women don't have any leverage against top men in the negotiation, and bottom men don't have any leverage in negotiations against women. So forming the moratorium is impossible.

See also: Molochian Dynamics