I've been reading a book recently called "Defending Marriage" by Anthony Esolen. His book is a series of arguments against homosexuality. In one of the early chapters, he pointed out that egalitarianism (believing there is no essential difference in authority or hierarchical role between husbands and wives) and the general push in culture we see towards androgyny or under-differentiation of the sexes is a logical stepping stone that can lead someone to accept homosexuality. If a woman can be the leader in her home, can preach in church, what else can she do that a man can do? Oh, how about marry? How about have sex with a woman?

One of the podcasts I've been listening to (I think it was one from It's Good to Be a Man) also raised a similar point, and the two made the connection for me.

Egalitarianism is not just a lifestyle choice in marriage. It's not just a point of doctrinal distinction where civil minded Christians can disagree. It's a sin. The sin of egalitarianism is on the same continuum as homosexuality - it distorts and disrupts God's intent for relationship between men and women, between husbands and wives, and it distorts marriage's reflection of Christ and the Church, and humanity's reflection of God's image.

Part of the problem is that egalitarianism urges men to become soft and effeminate, while it lauds women in become brash, proud, and controlling - but scripture tells men and women not to be like this, indeed to be the opposite - men to be strong, courageous, and women to be quiet, gentle, submissive. Egalitarianism isn't just "Let's all get along and play well with others." It's actively reversing what God says.

Does anyone have any good resources on this idea? I tried making up my own term for the sin of homo-exousia (same authority) but got no hits. Searching for links between homosexuality and egalitarianism comes up with some things like this article from the Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood ( http://cbmw.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/8-2.pdf ).