Stats: 1RM’s: bench press - 230 lbs., squat - 280 lbs., barbell row- 160 lbs., deadlift (Romanian) - 290 lbs., OHP - 150 lbs.

Background: 28 years old, married 2.5 years, four kids (1 step-son, 1 biological daughter, 2 foster children)

Married very quickly (within a couple months of meeting) while I was in the military. Dumb, but nothing I can do now.

I was raised Roman Catholic (I got my first communion and all that). I distanced myself from the church and I’ve been an atheist for around 15 or so years now. By skimming some of the posts and OYS posts here, you guys seem happier, or maybe more fulfilled. I love the idea of God and following in Jesus’s path. I’m just not completely convinced I can believe.

I want to believe. I know full well it isn’t your job to convince me to be faithful or to sell me on the church, so I understand if I’m told to figure it out myself, but how might someone in my shoes become closer to God? Does anyone here have any experience with finding God later in life?

Thanks in advance for the help